Where are YOU in the Q-universe? Here, in the attack submarine at the bottom! It's cramped. Smells. And hard work! You live on C-rations and you have AUTISTIC FROGS for bunkmates! But only WE get to engage the enemy, night after night. And we have F*CKING NUKES. Y'all ready for Red October???
☢️ LET'S GOOoOoOo ☢️

OK I WANT FULL SAFETIES!!! We can't have this fish coming back at us...
Crap! Admiral Catsy sir?! Besides Bubbles glowing… if he starts to groan and mumble “brains”, and walks dragging one leg with skin sluffing off, and is attempting to bite everyone in the head, what should I do?!
No Bubbles no my brain has been Q-melted. Q-melted bad brain… yes. Go over to Chronic he is holding down that purple haired Ensign for you. Go bite him! No stop pawing me I’m trying to talk to the Admiral. No you can’t bite my head! Yes over there! See purple haired wimpy Ensign Groomer that Chief Chronic has pinned on the floor. Yes go on. Good Bubbles. No Chronic don’t let him squirm away! Once Bubbles feeds, maybe it’ll settle him! Or sing him a lullaby after.
Sorry sir I wasn’t ignoring you and know you’re busy on the bridge. But we need to know what to do with Bubbles? I only have the one DemoLib ensign to feed him, after that it’s loyal crew. Plus we’ll be in real trouble once Ensign Groomer turns. You know how DemoLibs are once they turn, they impulsively try to kill everyone. Dammit Chronic just stuff a sock in his mouth! He’ll stop screaming once Bubbles hits the frontal lobe! Sorry for the noise sir.
Sir can the MPs come down and help us put Bubbles in the brig, once he’s full and sleepy, until we can de-radiate him?
Hahahaha okay to much fun! :) :)
CORRECT! LOL, so the guy that's been modding Greatawakening (here, formerly on Reddit before we were banned), for free, for seven years straight so far, and who was a BLOCK away from 9/11, who lived in America for 25 years, hates America? Ahaha. Blue Jays are going to win it all. But, I'm more American than you, fag.
DEATH BY COP, okay, I guess.