Sorry I had to open can can of Truth Ass upon seeing this post! I swear are these “smart” people reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally this stupid not to understand that Q is something larger and special, and also String and Game Theory Coded intel/info just like the French Underground, WWII Code Talkers, and the Vietnamese Hanoi Hannah used?! It just blows me away that these people still don’t understand Q is a mix of Law of War Manual, and Devolution all mixed into a coded system of what has happened and what is yet to be done! I’m no military guy and don’t always understand the parts of Q-drops, but I know my history, and I totally see how it works.
People have to actually pay attention and read the posts and the links over a period of time, in order to comprehend the magnitude of the Q drops. Most people, especially anti-Q people, just don’t want to do the work. I would never have understood them without some “translators and analysts” I was also following on Twitter at the time, like Praying Medic and probably some of you. I am so grateful for the assistance and brains of people on this site.
Yes, agreed! Crazy that I easily learned the system by watching Fall of the Cabal 1-10, especially Part 10, listening/watching Brad Barton, Juan O’Savin, got his 2nd Edition Book, watched MajicEyesQnly, and found my way here near 2 years ago to then lend a hand in what I knew. But it’s not rocket science. Just research, patients, and God’s faith.
This was me before waking up. When Q first started to drop, I remember coming across some of them. I could see there was coding but knew that you would have to be caught up on things to get it and decided that was too much work that I didnt have time for. I didnt actually dive into them for another year or so.
I may or may not have held a clearance of sorts at one point and I may or may not be able to disclose that most5 people who work in "intelligence" are involved in noise ops and don't actually have a clue as to what is going on. The need to know keeps a lot of people with clearances OUT of what's really going on. It's a good and bad thing, but the Q Op is likely an entirely new form of coding as you allude to.
Yep, And oddly to many, inspired by God somehow as well. But maybe going that direction is how they hid the Code more or less from the Cabal that wishes to extinguish the belief in God, Christ, and all the prophets, Mohammed and Joseph Smith included and Saints. But it’s also a mix of things. The Bible, Devolution, the Law of War Manual, all tie in. None of it is incorrect. It’s just where the pieces fit in the puzzle for whom gets what and then it’s relayed out by mouth. Matched to a Q-drop and there it is.
Sorry I had to open can can of Truth Ass upon seeing this post! I swear are these “smart” people reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally this stupid not to understand that Q is something larger and special, and also String and Game Theory Coded intel/info just like the French Underground, WWII Code Talkers, and the Vietnamese Hanoi Hannah used?! It just blows me away that these people still don’t understand Q is a mix of Law of War Manual, and Devolution all mixed into a coded system of what has happened and what is yet to be done! I’m no military guy and don’t always understand the parts of Q-drops, but I know my history, and I totally see how it works.
People have to actually pay attention and read the posts and the links over a period of time, in order to comprehend the magnitude of the Q drops. Most people, especially anti-Q people, just don’t want to do the work. I would never have understood them without some “translators and analysts” I was also following on Twitter at the time, like Praying Medic and probably some of you. I am so grateful for the assistance and brains of people on this site.
Yes, agreed! Crazy that I easily learned the system by watching Fall of the Cabal 1-10, especially Part 10, listening/watching Brad Barton, Juan O’Savin, got his 2nd Edition Book, watched MajicEyesQnly, and found my way here near 2 years ago to then lend a hand in what I knew. But it’s not rocket science. Just research, patients, and God’s faith.
This was me before waking up. When Q first started to drop, I remember coming across some of them. I could see there was coding but knew that you would have to be caught up on things to get it and decided that was too much work that I didnt have time for. I didnt actually dive into them for another year or so.
It goes back to Julius Caesar! Caesar Cyphers!!
I may or may not have held a clearance of sorts at one point and I may or may not be able to disclose that most5 people who work in "intelligence" are involved in noise ops and don't actually have a clue as to what is going on. The need to know keeps a lot of people with clearances OUT of what's really going on. It's a good and bad thing, but the Q Op is likely an entirely new form of coding as you allude to.
Yep, And oddly to many, inspired by God somehow as well. But maybe going that direction is how they hid the Code more or less from the Cabal that wishes to extinguish the belief in God, Christ, and all the prophets, Mohammed and Joseph Smith included and Saints. But it’s also a mix of things. The Bible, Devolution, the Law of War Manual, all tie in. None of it is incorrect. It’s just where the pieces fit in the puzzle for whom gets what and then it’s relayed out by mouth. Matched to a Q-drop and there it is.