Curious if any pepes could speculate here.
Who benefits from this "emergency" shut down?
Who is hurt by this "emergency" shut down?
Will there be long term ramifications that in retrospect we will point to this event as having changed lives/policies drastically?
Is there any way that this does not result in a declaration of war?
From who Germany? If we (you know we did it) did this it fucks the German people hard not Russia. If anything Germany will declare war on the US if anything.
There seems to have been a hunger for a USA-Russia conflict for some time now - not from us plebs but from the elites.
It is entirely possible that someone else other than the USA blew up pipeline, but with both Victoria Nuland (Jan 27) and Joe Biden (Feb 7) making statements that the pipeline would be stopped if Russia went into Ukraine, I think the USA will be left holding the bag on this regardless of who did sabotage.
Very few nations have the capability to pull something like this off. Russia has no incentive to destroy its own multi billion dollar pipe line, Germany same as Russia, that leave the US. You're right the deep state and dems want a US Russia hot war. The Russians and Americans don't want a war not in the least but the deep state needs it badly.
I have a feeling that is exactly what is going to happen