It doesn’t get much clearer than this...
2 year delta. President Trump retruths the same video that Q posted exactly 2 years ago...
Not only that, but he did it 3 minutes after midnight. Almost like he was emphasizing it. “Okay guys! The date just changed to September 28th, check this out!” 😁

Video from Q must have been archived and algorithms set specifically for Trump to release exactly at this time. We are watching a computerized time of events program! It seems the computer is automatically uploading Trump's TRUTH posts as programmed and planned!
From the first time I'd seen that video posted, and until now, I'd always had the small thought of "It's strange this directly linked Q video hasn't been removed...".
Didn't think too much of it, because technically it's an innocent video - technically not a lot of reasons for Them to scrub it. But you know Them, they love to destroy everything, regardless.
Always seemed a little odd. 🤔
Source or it's merely conjecture.