"The BoyLover logo (BLogo) is a small blue spiral-shaped triangle surrounded by a larger triangle, whereby the small triangle represents a small boy and the larger triangle represents an adult man.
2 A variation of the BLogo is the Little Boy Lover logo (LBLogo), which also embodies a small spiral-shaped triangle within a larger triangle; however, the corners of the LBLogo are rounded to resemble a scribbling by a young child.
3 Images of the BLogo and LBLogo symbols are depicted below."
"The BoyLover logo (BLogo) is a small blue spiral-shaped triangle surrounded by a larger triangle, whereby the small triangle represents a small boy and the larger triangle represents an adult man.
2 A variation of the BLogo is the Little Boy Lover logo (LBLogo), which also embodies a small spiral-shaped triangle within a larger triangle; however, the corners of the LBLogo are rounded to resemble a scribbling by a young child.
3 Images of the BLogo and LBLogo symbols are depicted below."
Directly from the source:
I do not see CIRCLE spirals being a pedo symbol. ROUNDED TRIANGLE sprials? Yes. Actual CIRCLES? No.
Yep, just a coincidence those triangle nips are covered. 😆😆😆