I've seen a lot of Anons not point out the biggest, NUMBER 1, reason why Q is widely considered legitimate. It's because of the Post Deltas. Not the year-long deltas, mind you...
This will just be a quick breakdown of the facts.
How do we know Q is legitimate?
Well, let's look at the above data and draw some conclusions...
How can we prove that Trump and Q were/are knowingly coordinating posts?
Well, what if Q posts and then Trump Tweets, over and over again?
That's the significance.
It's one thing if Trump posts and then Q posts -- it just means Q is using a snooper program to see when Trump posts and then plops his turds out as soon as he can.
But that's not what's happened.
Pay attention to the order:
Q posts on the Chans.
Trump Tweets soon after.
Then Q posts on the Chans, again.
Then Trump Tweets soon after, once again.
Over and over, until we see that they are actually narrowing the time difference (delta) between the postings.
Up until Q posts and then, LESS THAN A MINUTE LATER, Trump Tweets.
That happened 36 freaking times before December 2019!
The only explanation is that Trump is watching the Chans for when Q posts so he knows when to post. That, or Trump is openly telling Q he's about to post and then waits until Q goes first...
And take a note at the convergence trends. There are very few 1-minute deltas. That, coupled with the clear line of best fit with positive correlation, shows an intention to converge timestamps towards a 0-point delta (less than 1 minute apart).
How many times does this "coincidence" have to occur until it's clear Trump is telling Q when he is about to post?
Well, the graph above shows that the likelihood that it was all just mere chance would be far beyond statistically probable. You have a better chance of getting struck by lightning while winning the lottery and then mauled by a polar bear.
It's that unlikely that Q was just guessing real gud-ly.
When people tell you "Q is a psyop" the FIRST thing you should point out is that Trump is statistically, provably involved with the psyop. They are joined at the hip, like Siamese twins.
If Q is a CIA plot, then so is Trump.
Only Autists can appreciate just how difficult the whole scheme would have to be to even accomplish what is plainly obvious given the timestamps. Plainly put, if you can't read the data and come to the same conclusion -- you wouldn't make the cut on The Apprentice.
This is the most powerful proof we have -- and I'm sorta sad I don't see it discussed as common knowledge at this point... This is the magic bullet against any naysayers. At this point, with as much verifiable info we have; if someone doesn't understand the raw data, it's because they simply don't want to.
Study the data in post 3727. Understand just how significant this proof system is over all the nonsense "predictions" they claim Q keeps getting wrong. Q never made predictions -- just check the posts yourself.
Instead, Q posts obscure hints that only make sense once the related event transpires. There is no prediction, there is only a validation effort. Once the event happens, Q is standing there on the previous post and everyone is scratching their heads wondering how those key-terms managed to pop up so succinctly.
That's why we're here... Because Q is legit beyond a shadow of a doubt. Only those ostriches with their heads in the sand are still not willing to admit that.
This proof would be easier to remember and explain if it had a commonly accepted name.
Another idea I had to help illustrate the idea of deltas was some sort of website or app where people are able to cross-reference their own tweets against President Trump’s tweets to verify how many zero deltas they themselves had during the period that Q posted. Just a fun app to compare YOU vs Q.
Or if the person didn’t tweet much, they could just press a button that randomizes 5,000+ “possible tweet timestamps” and then cross-references them against President Trump’s, again looking for zero deltas. Sliders could be used to adjust length of deltas and other parameters.
Basically it would be a way for people to experience the excuse they are claiming explains the zero deltas. Also it would be more statistical proof. Which blue check mark on Twitter has the most zero deltas with President Trump? What is that number and how close is it to Q’s? Because if a so-called LARP in a basement is able to get this many random zero deltas while specifically writing about Trump, then surely everyone else writing about anything else around the world should also be achieving a similar number of zero deltas, right?
I would call it "Post Convergence"
The significant marker in the data is that the line of best fit forms a positive correlation moving towards 0-point deltas.
The huge dip in the 1-minute deltas shows that when they actively went for a 0-minute delta, they went for it. 1-minute deltas were seen as more of a failure than 20-minute deltas because if you're gonna go for gold, getting silver just means you could have won if you tried just a smidge harder. It's like a kick to the balls.