No fren you can't just turn off transponders, everything from vectoring and separation, flying IMC needing ground control radar service, TCAS and much more.
Lol yes of course you can, but you're a freaking idiot if you do flying commercially! Day VMC at 1000ft maybe in a Cessna, outside controlled airspace, but expect swift action when trying it near anywhere important!
Guess they don’t want anyone to know who’s flying to/from Europe? Though surely the transponders could just be turned off and the planes go dark.
No fren you can't just turn off transponders, everything from vectoring and separation, flying IMC needing ground control radar service, TCAS and much more.
I just push the off button.
Yes you really can turn them off.
Lol yes of course you can, but you're a freaking idiot if you do flying commercially! Day VMC at 1000ft maybe in a Cessna, outside controlled airspace, but expect swift action when trying it near anywhere important!
You turn it back on when you get close to the towers.
Yeah ok, sure. You instrument rated?
Give them an ident first to make sure they see you --- and hope your reserve is in date.
Thnx for the explanation
Updoot for they don'r want anyone knowing who is flying to and from europe. Interdasting
What a good way to hide "The Air Bridge" from these tracking apps.
The air bridge was/is US/NATO method of rapid deployment of US Forces to reinforce NATO assets in Europe.
Plenty of user settings and it's free.
That's weird