The link has a list of shippers and producers but nothing jumped out to me, anyone else?
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JP Morgan and the cabal deep state
And it contributes to enormous money-making endeavors, power grabs, opportunities to test military weapons, misery, suffering, death & DEPOPULATION. Reptiles thrive on other people's misery.
Hillary was not able to start a war with North Korea. Now they want a war with practically anybody.
Dr. Moriarty from Sherlock Holmes II - A Game of Shadows - speaking with Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr.): "All I want to do is own the bullets and the bandages". Excellent clip from the movie:
The cabal (ww3), Chyna (gas laundered from Russia, through Chyna to Europe, never mind the weakening of their European rivals), Turkey (new pipeline), Germany (DS politicians wanted to keep the pipeline closed indefinitely), the US deep state (war is big money).
There are certainly others. Seems possible to me that this could be done by submersible (big state actor) or by a small team of divers. The list of subjects is long. War is back on the menu
Blaming other nations for Nord Stream 1 & 2 is not reality.
You can't just look at what is in a nation's best interest, because often nations are controlled by a few 'elite' at the top that have entirely different agendas. Think of it like Trudeau in Canada. Does HE have Canada's best interest in mind? Think of Gov. Newsome in California. Does HE have California's best interest in mind?
There are so many blackmailed politicians, bought and paid for politicians, people with corrupt political alliances, etc... who can issue orders for things like this to be done, even though it runs contrary to what is best for the citizens of their own nation. Many top brass military are just as blackmailed or bought & paid for... and will go along with the program. Those that won't... are dismissed and replaced with more pliable "leaders".
You can't sort out 'who dun it' based on which nations would benefit. You more have to look at the political leaders and figure out which ones are acting guilty, which ones are acting scared... and frankly which ones just act more belligerent or begin to lie when they are accused. :>)