You can make this crap up!!! Tranny tries to see Ft Bragg medical records to Russia.
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On on today’s episode of WTF headlines I never thought I’d read.
Also confused as to the mental gymnastics. Such as why a tranny is obsessed with Russia. Especially given Russia’s less then stellar opinion on the alphabet soup people. You’d think such a person would be opposed to Russia on principle.
ANYONE in the Military that is Trans, Bi, Homo or any other SEXUAL they or that person is being watched VERY CLOSELY...DO NOT kid yourself that this did NOT go unnoticed by the higher up esp. at a base such as Ft Bragg and it's importance to the mission!!!!
Agree and I think that it would be difficult in this day and age to send anything to Russia without someone in the know especially if you're in the military.
Don't think they could fit the number 17 in that article any more if they tried...comms4sure
She looks like a honeypot to me, the real woman, I mean. And wherever they got their kids from, they will be better off without them.
Damn...psyops have reached peak clownworld at Bragg
So under penalty of death, he knowingly violated a very serious law in the US, this would register on some level as suicide. Since he's trans, wouldn't that put him in the 41%?
I LOL'd at that first picture of him. The more these types of stories come out, the better.
Treason. Hang them high
My eyes have cancer now.