What is this thread all about?
Just a place for general discussion. A place to unload whats on your mind and talk about anything - personal, health, help needed, achievements, daily highs and daily lows, theories, predictions and what have you.
Does not need to be Q related.
I have questions honest and not trying to doom etc. I may have missed it before. And perhaps this site would have more success if these ideas were addressed and allowed criticizing and sticky’d. I’ve pretty much lost hope for this Q operation. Not because of media but because there’a policies and things seem to be coming out faster than justice and truth is by far. Of course a plan of good could be coming around behind the scenes. But a few things that need fighting of so, like ghost erza on telegram is basically painting the pictures of said suggestions below.
So far addressing
Q is a larp- most know or should know by now this isn’t true but anyone who ventures here should be able to quick link to prove that Q definitely isn’t a LARP. plenty Info for that now. but quick sticky links would prove beneficial for spreading in other forums.
trump is part of the deep state and jewish cabal. There’s been many photos and things out there that trump is part of the globalist and part of “Operation Trust” as has been done during Bolshevik Jewish revolution that turned east Europe and Russia into a spiritual wasteland. I think many need to know that it’s on the right side of this spiritual war. It just seems more likely to be planned out collaborating with the news trump flynn and lindel etc posting drop links, than time traveling knowledge. -this one I even need help with.
Truth needs no protection. And if America is to be saved, only truth and justice is the remedy.
Thanks for your time.