BREAKING: Joe Biden Vows to "Ban Assault Weapons" in the US
Joe Biden today vowed to ban assault weapons. He really has no idea what he’s saying. Today Joe Biden said that he is going to ban assault weapons. The gang at the White House clapped when he made this announcement. NEW – Biden vows “to ban assault weapon...
It will go straight to the SCOTUS and his new affirmative action 'install' will not matter.
So the gun companies should expect another wave of gun and ammo purchases I’m guessing.
...And the Republican party will help him do it. Watch, and never forget.
Guns are safe. They do this and they know it’s hunting season not only for them but for those who support them also.
And of course Senile Joe and his puppetmasters will get to define what an "assault weapon" is.
woohoo good luck
Puddin head forgot he already did lol
I have an assault ball bat, two assault fists, a ton of assault bricks, and a crapload of assault knives. I bet his little "law" doesn't cover that. :)
I guess that settles that.