"Why are left-leaning people so mean and triggered by everything?"
You try living on vegetables and oat milk and see what it does to you.
Or maybe it’s because the majority of Americans are infuriated by an armed insurrection against our government, fomented by a lying sociopath who would burn down the country to save himself.
Even after a good burger I find that sort of thing annoying.
Maybe we bought into Mitch McConnell’s “just humor him for a few weeks” more than we should have. And now, 19 months later, his crimes are still front page news every day because there is a new one… every day.
How are we supposed to enjoy the Renaissance Festival with that on our minds?
Or maybe we don’t like a freshman Congresswoman so truly horrible that she got kicked off all her committees telling us that white Christians should make all the decisions and everyone else should fall in line. That annoys even libs who ARE white Christians.
The morning of January 21, 2021, I woke up feeling refreshed. The First Sociopath was gone, and I was looking forward to being bored to tears by competent government and a complete absence of hate rallies and Twitter/Truth storms.
The feeling lasted about 15 minutes.
And now, when seditious conspiracy gets pushed out of the headlines because FPOTUS stole some of our nation’s most sensitive secrets, I am f***ing tired of humoring that fool. I’m tired of Lauren Boebert saying Jesus would be alive today if he had an AR-15. I’m tired of hearing Qanonsense from a woman who genuinely thinks she could be trump’s running mate. I’m tired of being lectured on morality by a sex trafficker.
So I’m gathering up all the energy my undernourished, muscle-free lib body can manage, and saying I’ve had enough.
I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it any more.
Now if you’ll excuse me, we’re having steak tonight.
It's been said that you are the average of the 5 people you hang around most. It's also been said that whatever your information diet is full of, will come out later in inexplicable ways.
Here we have Exhibit A of the mental gymnastics that the modern liberal leftie must achieve in order to be a part of the tribe in good standing. I don't think they succeed as much as they want us to believe.
The liberal leftie ideology is imploding in front of our faces, frens. The pressure it imposes on every area of their lives is inhuman and unrelenting, and no one can withstand it forever. When the mob turns and comes after them and their families and livelihoods, the sense of betrayal and loss of connection is intense.
I think this is where most normies are right now. Working through the cognitive dissonance, hence the steak comment...
(For the record, oat milk is awesome in coffee 😊👌🏼)
I switched to oat milk for my breakfast 10 months ago and i much prefer it taste-wise. Lasts a lot longer as well!