Rat Feeding Study Shows 'Impossible Burger' May Not Be Safe to Eat
Rats fed Impossible Burger's GM yeast-derived protein developed unexplained changes in weight gain, changes in the blood that can indicate the onset of inflammation or kidney disease, and possible signs of anemia. The he FDA issued a “no questions” letter ...
On the upside the lefties are the ones eating this toxic crap.
I would avoid eating rats who have been fed this crap for at least a week.
Who'd have ever thought? Like they 'somehow' care about our health. The best truth ever given was when mom and dad said -- Never trust a stranger. If anyone in their person, or part of any organization, company, government entity hasn't earned your trust, they are indeed a stranger. If any organization, company, government entity hasn't earned your trust, they have to be classified as a stranger. That truth extends beyond what most people realize. This is why gardening and animal husbandry makes sense. If this cannot be done, then buying locally from your neighbor makes the best sense. Joining a food club to which you are a member and a participant allows trust to be earned. Know the farmer, know the animal(s) and the produce you are buying for your family. Otherwise, we will always begin to see profiteers working contrary to our health. Impossible burger is a culmination of this.
The following may be 'fighting' words to some, but the FDA is not your friend and cannot possibly be trusted. FBI? DOJ? Labor Department? VA? Police? Government? For me, none of these are ever to be trusted. Ever. Instead, I will be vigilant in my resolve and watchful as I would with any stranger nearing my home. The safety of my family is everything to me.
“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” --Thomas Jefferson
“The care of every man’s soul belongs to himself. But what if he neglect the care of it? Well what if he neglect the care of his health or his estate, which would more nearly relate to the state. Will the magistrate make a law that he not be poor or sick? Laws provide against injury from others; but not from ourselves. God himself will not save men against their wills.” --Thomas Jefferson
Putting crap that can kill you in this man-made garbage is likely part of the protocol.
I’m not surprised, actually I’ve come to expect it.
Me too. A lot of us feel that way I expect.
I stopped following FDA guidelines way back when they allowed GMOs in all foods.
That was all I needed to know.