That's easy, because it's not applied. Start having public executions again, fast trial, fast sentencing, fast executions and it will make a difference. The death penalty has never been properly applied in this country.
Do I need to break it down to you? Those same dudes in suits are already committing egregious crimes with egregious consequences and they are still doing it
They are already committing treason - the penalty of that is being HUNG and they dont care.
Introducing a death penalty onto other death penalties doesn't change the equation in any way.
Really? If death penalty stops things from happening then why do people still rape and murder? You really think people will stop selling drugs?
That's easy, because it's not applied. Start having public executions again, fast trial, fast sentencing, fast executions and it will make a difference. The death penalty has never been properly applied in this country.
Most hard core criminals in jail are from Single Mom and Broken Homes.
A lot of killers grow up in an abusive and broken home. This is a fact.
Are people who rape and murder from dual family homes? Or broken homes?
I'll give you another example since my point went clear over your head.
The penalty for treason is death yet here we are with people selling our country out left and right.
My point, in case you still missed it, is that people dont care what the legal penalty is, even if the penalty is death.
Your mindset is equivalent to leftists when it comes to guns. If we just made the penalties more severe then the problem will go away!
Do I have to really break this down to you?
Trump knows it’s the CIA and intel agencies responsible for bringing in drugs for their black ops.
I am assuming that he means giving them the death penalty for pushing drugs.
Trump is against the deep state. He knows the intel agencies are black market pushers!
His message of the death penalty is not for the street person.
The street person will get the drugs from a source: I am assuming that Trump is sending a message to those in suits that really bring in the drugs.
The folks in suits are scared of being jailed or worse.
Do I need to break it down to you? Those same dudes in suits are already committing egregious crimes with egregious consequences and they are still doing it
They are already committing treason - the penalty of that is being HUNG and they dont care.
Introducing a death penalty onto other death penalties doesn't change the equation in any way.