Buy Twitter
Twitter rees
Withdraw offer because bots
Twitter files suit
Either go to disclosure or sell cheaper
Offer cheaper price
Elon buys
Now Elon owns Twitter before mid-terms. 👀👀👀
I promise they weren’t expecting him to accept and they were hoping a trial would drag beyond midterms.
No coincidence his text conversation pertaining to Twitter was leaked last week and now he closes the deal.
They just got skullf**ked.
He preaches about these things... but does HE do them? Has he created or engineered anything? Or has he overpromised, ripped off, and scammed countless people? He has the public so fooled by his "intelligence", that every move he makes must be a GENIUS play. He is taking us to the future! Or... maybe he's just lying and making stuff up. Yep, that one. If you look at the whole picture, his success is mostly based on possibly the most overinflated stock in history, a lot of luck, and dirty business plays. And... it will come crashing down HARD when it does. He is an absolutely brilliant con artist, I give him props for that. This is a great channel who has done a ton of detailed videos analyzing the lies of his claims, and who he is. There are many, many good videos out there going through his shady history and showing you who he really is.
...someone is unsatisfied with his Tesla Model 3...