Buy Twitter
Twitter rees
Withdraw offer because bots
Twitter files suit
Either go to disclosure or sell cheaper
Offer cheaper price
Elon buys
Now Elon owns Twitter before mid-terms. 👀👀👀
I promise they weren’t expecting him to accept and they were hoping a trial would drag beyond midterms.
No coincidence his text conversation pertaining to Twitter was leaked last week and now he closes the deal.
They just got skullf**ked.
I guess I'm old enough to be considered an elder these days, and I have noticed the slow, brainwashing going on with tribal members, especially the younger ones.
Indians of all stripes used to be one the of the most patriotic peoples you would find anywhere, but they have slowly been turned into socialists.
I just hope that every pow wow will continue to have the US flag lead Grand Entry ahead of the tribal staff/colors and their reverence for our tribal warriors that have fought for this great land of ours will continue.
The day they stop that is the day I never go to another pow wow.