There are colds and flu's being spread all over the world without any seasonal trends anymore. It's just a year round sickness.
They wear their little face diapers, "sanitize" their hands with disgusting cheap Chinese alcohol that has God knows what in it.
They wear stupid face diapers everywhere including with themselves in their own vehicles.
And if you think about it it makes perfect sense in a diabolical plan.
Create NPC's over years of MSM pumping
Spread fear and use these NPC's to spread more fear on the ground level
Go on a blitzkrieg campaign on covid and the death jabs
4, Once satisfactory number is hit, get rid of all mandates and restrictions in rapid fashion
With Immunity destroyed, the masses get hurled back int the jungle and immediately get sick
Colds and flu's reappear which were eradicated naturally over thousands of years. Viruses our bodies were exposed to every year and taken care of by our collective system
Continue fear campaign directed at NPC's who will continue living like lunatics knowing they will be the ones who spread these old viruses because they will continue to live like isolated folk and the minute they stop, bang, they get 10 people sick with simple contact. Especially those who are jabbed but unmasked and have had their immune systems shot.
The above was there game.
100% and take your zinc, qucertin, D3, and B.
Indeed, patriot.
NAC ? Is that a suplement?
Don’t forget to take your C
Still my all-time favorite was a dude riding his motorcycle with no helmet but was wearing a mask.
That was up there with the bus driver with no PPE and a look of fear in his face, transporting the sick, with a guy in a BLS3 suit standing behind him.
Honestly the masking or not masking does not make any difference in whether people contract an airborne illness. No difference whatsoever. The zany notion that it does—concocted solely for the purpose of mass psychosis formation, psychological manipulation, individuality suppression, and compliance-control through mindless fear—will go down in history as one of the most breathtakingly egregious examples of medical malpractice ever perpetrated.
Constantly wearing a mask definitely does, however, make MORE people sick, not fewer, for a large number of reasons. One reason is concentrating and continually inhaling vast numbers of microbes from the filthy mask that should instead have been blown out into the winds.
Of course it makes a difference. Our immune systems are actively fighting airborne viruses and pathogens during out daily activities.
You wear that face diaper everywhere you are reducing exposure.
Just done a bunch of work travel around Europe, there are a lot of sick people coughing and hacking on the planes
Seems to be another ‘Covid’ wave hitting the UK despite most of the population being boosted and perfect warm fall weather. Funny how the new ‘wave’ seems to coincide with them rolling out the 4th shot and the flu shot…
It's always coincided with the shots
I was in a health food store yesterday and the only "sick" person in there was an older woman, all masked up. She was buying hundreds of dollars of supplements. I thought to myself, "Lady, it's too late for those." She was not doing well, at all.
There is a shortage of children's flu and pain medication in NA and has been for months.