The lesson every kid learns on day 1 of school, regardless of who is teaching or what is being taught: “I’m forced to do something I don't like for 8 hours every day for the rest of my life. I’m a slave of the system.” A consumer-slave is born.
“Unschooling” is the natural way of learning. See John Taylor Gatto, John Holt.
I just visited a Mennonite colony in Mexico and went around talking with random people, slightly strange I know, and told them such, but they were surprisingly open with me sharing their culture and beliefs. Interestingly, they were equally as interested in getting to know me as I was them.
They are some of the hardest working people I've met and seem much happier and content with their lives. For those of you that don't know, Mennonites are essentially the Amish but more modern and slightly less closed off. They can use electricity, they even have cell phones, although very restricted use. No televisions or computers. They make amazing cheese.
My point is, they are more or less completely isolated from modern society and seem much better for it. I envy many aspects of their lives.
My kid is 4 and already so different from his peers when we go out bc of homeschooling and me being a stay at home mom. He had soccer and every kid was already trained at 2-5 y/o to stand in lines for upwards of 10 minutes! My kid was saying no, he wanted to play not stand and we ended up exploring the area instead and getting a refund. It blew my mind!
Best decision EVER. They talk to kids and adults of all ages, not only kids their own age. They don't see kids older than themselves as wiser and lording over them, and they don't see kids younger than themselves as stupid, too young and lord over them. They all play together, the older kids watch out for the younger and help guide them. We were at an event where there were reenactments, and one of the men there commented that he could tell the homeschoolers because they looked him in the eye, listened to what he was saying, and asked questions. They all seem to have dreams of opening their own business or working independently at something they love, rather than working for someone else.
A lady came past my homeschooled child and her friend, with her hand up to high five them. They both looked at her like they had no clue what to do, so she had to tell them "I'm high fiving you!" They haven't been trained to be complacent and spit back what they've been told to pass a test, they've been taught to learn for themselves and question the answers. There's more than one right answer in many cases! They question history, and don't just buy into what museums and teachers tell them. They are so much more well rounded!
I was a public school kid. I am so amazed at how different homeschool kids think than I did at their age! I have become the person that believes sending your kids to public school is child abuse. I wish people that think it's there solution (or just it's their childcare) would wake up!!! Anything you do at home is better than what they do in public school!!!
I love this one. It is so spot on! The accurate stereotype on the left is perfect!
Yes! Does anyone have a copy of the meme comparing them to trash bags? I've got to archive that one kek
Only thing the hipster is missing are neck tattoos and ear gauges big enough to double as cock rings.
The lesson every kid learns on day 1 of school, regardless of who is teaching or what is being taught: “I’m forced to do something I don't like for 8 hours every day for the rest of my life. I’m a slave of the system.” A consumer-slave is born.
“Unschooling” is the natural way of learning. See John Taylor Gatto, John Holt.
The opposite of courage is conformity.
I just visited a Mennonite colony in Mexico and went around talking with random people, slightly strange I know, and told them such, but they were surprisingly open with me sharing their culture and beliefs. Interestingly, they were equally as interested in getting to know me as I was them.
They are some of the hardest working people I've met and seem much happier and content with their lives. For those of you that don't know, Mennonites are essentially the Amish but more modern and slightly less closed off. They can use electricity, they even have cell phones, although very restricted use. No televisions or computers. They make amazing cheese.
My point is, they are more or less completely isolated from modern society and seem much better for it. I envy many aspects of their lives.
My kid is 4 and already so different from his peers when we go out bc of homeschooling and me being a stay at home mom. He had soccer and every kid was already trained at 2-5 y/o to stand in lines for upwards of 10 minutes! My kid was saying no, he wanted to play not stand and we ended up exploring the area instead and getting a refund. It blew my mind!
Its libtardia society we dont want them fitting in with. So fine by me!
Best decision EVER. They talk to kids and adults of all ages, not only kids their own age. They don't see kids older than themselves as wiser and lording over them, and they don't see kids younger than themselves as stupid, too young and lord over them. They all play together, the older kids watch out for the younger and help guide them. We were at an event where there were reenactments, and one of the men there commented that he could tell the homeschoolers because they looked him in the eye, listened to what he was saying, and asked questions. They all seem to have dreams of opening their own business or working independently at something they love, rather than working for someone else.
A lady came past my homeschooled child and her friend, with her hand up to high five them. They both looked at her like they had no clue what to do, so she had to tell them "I'm high fiving you!" They haven't been trained to be complacent and spit back what they've been told to pass a test, they've been taught to learn for themselves and question the answers. There's more than one right answer in many cases! They question history, and don't just buy into what museums and teachers tell them. They are so much more well rounded!
I was a public school kid. I am so amazed at how different homeschool kids think than I did at their age! I have become the person that believes sending your kids to public school is child abuse. I wish people that think it's there solution (or just it's their childcare) would wake up!!! Anything you do at home is better than what they do in public school!!!
We have for 18 years and will still for next 12
Homeschooling our boys was the best decision we ever made.