Hell wasn't added to the Bible until 1600...the concept didn't exist before but the pope brought it in and during the inquisitions millions died. Jews who actually wrote the old testament as a history of what happened to them when the aliens invaded and knew that the man now called jesus was a hybrid of the invaders and was born for the role he played ...they knew he was not a God or the son of God and so do the Muslims..they know he was a man too. The inquisitions were to wipe out the unbelievers who knew they were aliens not fallen angels and Yahweh was a psychopathic genocidal killer butchering millions not the loving God they tried to portray...nuking Sodom and Gomorrah and sparing noah as he was a hybrid alien.
The rapture was added in 1835 as a footnote and when pastors saw the reaction and consequent money pouring in it as added as canonical text.
The naivety of anyone believing that saying I accept Jesus.christ who never existed the man who was on the cross for a few hours was taken down alive as promised by the elohim /Yahweh as part of the religion they were going to make.
Didn't an angel talk to Mohammad? Not an angel..an alien ..how many billions have died cos that religion doesn't see this Jesus Christ as their saviour..depopulate depopulate depopulate. Crusades crusades crusades
The church wanted a one world religion then with everyone following the satanic crap they were peddling. And still are
Read the 75 books removed to make this story believable to anyone naive enough not to use critical thinking.
One of them was called the wars of yahweh...killing us..millions and.millions of us.
How many Jewish pope's do you think there has been?
Look at Martin Luther ..look at his history and the two pope's he was working with the Medicis... Bankers like his family...what did he do? He introduced usury which was forbidden to Catholics...
Rothschilds central banks..Russia threw them out..and here we are in a war..gadaffi was arranging an African gold system and leaving the petro dollar the Ashkenazi Jews Rothschild Ponzi scheme is tied to..what happened?
You can go online..download the clay cuniform tablets and read for yourself what they say from thousands of years ago about the aliens .
Is this why they won't confirm the alien presence the cloning they did the craft they had that NASA copied and is in ezikiel and the Mahabharata? Cos people might start to actually think?
Do you really believe Jonah survived the digestive juices never mind anything else of a whale..it was a submarine..the accounts in the Bible itself say Jonah could see the depths and there was a pearl that lit the inside of the whale. For pity's sake!!! There are drawings of submarines and aircraft on the pyramid walls
Not what they say in the oh so correct and truthful bible..he was vomited out ..he was sent to Nineveh by yahweh and he ran away as he did not want to go in the submarine. He was found and forced to get in it.
No do try...it's not me steeped in mythology..don't project. Things have to work within the universal laws of the universe....even the digestive juices of the whale would kill him..as it is the Bible says in Matthew 12 40 for three whole days and nights...the lord...that's Yahweh ..had arranged for ",the whale" to swallow Jonah... yahweh told Jonah he had to go to Nineveh for him in the submarine..Jonah was frightened and ran away. We know yahweh called himself lord as he did when demanding the first born baby and animal to be burnt to show I am the lord in Isiah
Araimac Bible says Jehovah but these are all terms used by the Bible instead of the correct term elohim...
When the whale spat him out he was near Nineveh. What a coincidence. Also whales have very small throats and could only swallow small fish like herring!
You need also consider if as you are going to say extraordinary measures were taken by the creator of trillions upon trillions of universes..world's without end...to carry out this endeavour instead of him using the submarines we know the aliens had and are shown on walls in Egypt along with helicopters etc..but didn't take those steps to stop Yahweh burning the abdomen fats of women and babies as stated in the Torah..or the millions of humans he nuked in soddam and Gomorrah and sumeria.. or the babies satanically sacrificed for their adrenachrome..I would be thrilled to hear it.
Helicopters also. In one of the more southern temples. It was "plastered" over then restored a bit. Also we all have so much "junk DNA" that the scientists have no idea where it came from, or even what it is.
You have any links to some of the history stuff you mentioned? About the ET's? I love reading about this stuff :D. And in my opinion the Sumerians ( oldest writings) Have the more accurate accounts of "truth" I have seen yet.
Edit: Also I found it super fucking odd ISIS was blowing up ancient sites. Ancient histories. I wonder who was pulling those strings. And gave those orderes. After they pillaged all the artifacts of coarse.
I am not sure about Billy Carson but he has researchers working for him. He has a lot of information on the sumerian tablets and measurements of pyramids etc ..4bktv. he is similar to Gaia which I stay clear of mainly....blue chickens etc.
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles was interlinear translator for the Vatican publishers until he uncovered too much evidence of aliens. He is dead straight.cci bought his book naked bible
5th element Paul Wallis was an arch bishop. He has good links but like a lot of churchy people want to keep hold of jesus...son of Yahweh and an alien....easy living ..men in frocks.
Michael tellinger
Richard d hall UK researcher does space stuff too. Lies of NASA
Have a look at my comments I put links on for people
He also did a long video on human origins and our aquatic creators the nummo..YouTube ...wasn't really our creators ..they did what the elohim/,annanuki did ..they modified us.
I had already known about the dogon tribe..they originally lived in Egypt known as kem back then. The nummo told them a lot of history and the planets etc. They came from Sirius b a dwarf star science didn't even know about never mind all the other astronomical info they knew a long time back.
It's good to know there are aliens who don't pretend to be gods and want to enslave us but empower us.
A lot of talk right now about the orbs going in and out of our oceans..we only have explored 5% of all the oceans..but spent trillions on space. The military have underwater bases and live down there so I am very sure aliens are there too..may have been there a very long time. Yahweh had submarines ...
Graham Hancock and Robert Sepehr anthropologist are also mines of information.
Hell wasn't added to the Bible until 1600...the concept didn't exist before but the pope brought it in and during the inquisitions millions died. Jews who actually wrote the old testament as a history of what happened to them when the aliens invaded and knew that the man now called jesus was a hybrid of the invaders and was born for the role he played ...they knew he was not a God or the son of God and so do the Muslims..they know he was a man too. The inquisitions were to wipe out the unbelievers who knew they were aliens not fallen angels and Yahweh was a psychopathic genocidal killer butchering millions not the loving God they tried to portray...nuking Sodom and Gomorrah and sparing noah as he was a hybrid alien.
The rapture was added in 1835 as a footnote and when pastors saw the reaction and consequent money pouring in it as added as canonical text.
The naivety of anyone believing that saying I accept Jesus.christ who never existed the man who was on the cross for a few hours was taken down alive as promised by the elohim /Yahweh as part of the religion they were going to make.
Didn't an angel talk to Mohammad? Not an angel..an alien ..how many billions have died cos that religion doesn't see this Jesus Christ as their saviour..depopulate depopulate depopulate. Crusades crusades crusades
The church wanted a one world religion then with everyone following the satanic crap they were peddling. And still are
Read the 75 books removed to make this story believable to anyone naive enough not to use critical thinking.
One of them was called the wars of yahweh...killing us..millions and.millions of us.
How many Jewish pope's do you think there has been?
Look at Martin Luther ..look at his history and the two pope's he was working with the Medicis... Bankers like his family...what did he do? He introduced usury which was forbidden to Catholics...
Rothschilds central banks..Russia threw them out..and here we are in a war..gadaffi was arranging an African gold system and leaving the petro dollar the Ashkenazi Jews Rothschild Ponzi scheme is tied to..what happened?
You can go online..download the clay cuniform tablets and read for yourself what they say from thousands of years ago about the aliens .
Is this why they won't confirm the alien presence the cloning they did the craft they had that NASA copied and is in ezikiel and the Mahabharata? Cos people might start to actually think?
Do you really believe Jonah survived the digestive juices never mind anything else of a whale..it was a submarine..the accounts in the Bible itself say Jonah could see the depths and there was a pearl that lit the inside of the whale. For pity's sake!!! There are drawings of submarines and aircraft on the pyramid walls
Not what they say in the oh so correct and truthful bible..he was vomited out ..he was sent to Nineveh by yahweh and he ran away as he did not want to go in the submarine. He was found and forced to get in it.
No do try...it's not me steeped in mythology..don't project. Things have to work within the universal laws of the universe....even the digestive juices of the whale would kill him..as it is the Bible says in Matthew 12 40 for three whole days and nights...the lord...that's Yahweh ..had arranged for ",the whale" to swallow Jonah... yahweh told Jonah he had to go to Nineveh for him in the submarine..Jonah was frightened and ran away. We know yahweh called himself lord as he did when demanding the first born baby and animal to be burnt to show I am the lord in Isiah
Araimac Bible says Jehovah but these are all terms used by the Bible instead of the correct term elohim...
When the whale spat him out he was near Nineveh. What a coincidence. Also whales have very small throats and could only swallow small fish like herring!
You need also consider if as you are going to say extraordinary measures were taken by the creator of trillions upon trillions of universes..world's without end...to carry out this endeavour instead of him using the submarines we know the aliens had and are shown on walls in Egypt along with helicopters etc..but didn't take those steps to stop Yahweh burning the abdomen fats of women and babies as stated in the Torah..or the millions of humans he nuked in soddam and Gomorrah and sumeria.. or the babies satanically sacrificed for their adrenachrome..I would be thrilled to hear it.
I won't hold my breath however.
Helicopters also. In one of the more southern temples. It was "plastered" over then restored a bit. Also we all have so much "junk DNA" that the scientists have no idea where it came from, or even what it is.
You have any links to some of the history stuff you mentioned? About the ET's? I love reading about this stuff :D. And in my opinion the Sumerians ( oldest writings) Have the more accurate accounts of "truth" I have seen yet.
Edit: Also I found it super fucking odd ISIS was blowing up ancient sites. Ancient histories. I wonder who was pulling those strings. And gave those orderes. After they pillaged all the artifacts of coarse.
I am not sure about Billy Carson but he has researchers working for him. He has a lot of information on the sumerian tablets and measurements of pyramids etc ..4bktv. he is similar to Gaia which I stay clear of mainly....blue chickens etc.
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles was interlinear translator for the Vatican publishers until he uncovered too much evidence of aliens. He is dead straight.cci bought his book naked bible
5th element Paul Wallis was an arch bishop. He has good links but like a lot of churchy people want to keep hold of jesus...son of Yahweh and an alien....easy living ..men in frocks.
Michael tellinger
Richard d hall UK researcher does space stuff too. Lies of NASA
Have a look at my comments I put links on for people
Thanks a bunch!
He also did a long video on human origins and our aquatic creators the nummo..YouTube ...wasn't really our creators ..they did what the elohim/,annanuki did ..they modified us.
I had already known about the dogon tribe..they originally lived in Egypt known as kem back then. The nummo told them a lot of history and the planets etc. They came from Sirius b a dwarf star science didn't even know about never mind all the other astronomical info they knew a long time back.
It's good to know there are aliens who don't pretend to be gods and want to enslave us but empower us.
A lot of talk right now about the orbs going in and out of our oceans..we only have explored 5% of all the oceans..but spent trillions on space. The military have underwater bases and live down there so I am very sure aliens are there too..may have been there a very long time. Yahweh had submarines ...
Graham Hancock and Robert Sepehr anthropologist are also mines of information. .