I have my own artesian well, and when I travel, I take the water with me, been doing that for years, people think I'm eccentric, but, oh well, (pun intended). There are free flowing pipes all over Vermont that people fill up containers with, those who do not want to drink that water, comes right out of the mountain, deep and clear. When I lived in Mass. there was water coming from Mt Tom, I would go weekly and fill up on that. This guy will probably catch a fine, if not fired for it, too bad, he was doing it out of concern and care. Lots of folks up here who go the natural way, anti vax, anti pharma, and yes, anti flouride. He may just end up with a whole lot of support from the people.
I have my own artesian well, and when I travel, I take the water with me, been doing that for years, people think I'm eccentric, but, oh well, (pun intended). There are free flowing pipes all over Vermont that people fill up containers with, those who do not want to drink that water, comes right out of the mountain, deep and clear. When I lived in Mass. there was water coming from Mt Tom, I would go weekly and fill up on that. This guy will probably catch a fine, if not fired for it, too bad, he was doing it out of concern and care. Lots of folks up here who go the natural way, anti vax, anti pharma, and yes, anti flouride. He may just end up with a whole lot of support from the people.