posted ago by Datasinc ago by Datasinc +155 / -0

So I made a pretty big discovery of how the DTCC, banks, and others see DeFi (Blockchain crypto tech that allows for DEcentralizing FInance) and tokenizing of securities as not only a threat but also imminent.

"Tokenizing" stocks into NFTs means there is no fraud or manipulation in the markets like we have today and you eliminate the need for brokers and market makers while expanding features and lowering costs. This tech means you can kiss naked shorting, FTDs, synthetic shares, payment for order flow, dark pools, broker fees, unapproved share lending, and much more, goodbye!.

You have a fair market again where hedge funds aren't betting on Amazon while committing fraud to put smaller companies that amazon has targeted out of business so Amazon can absorb their market share.

The DTCC and their banker buddies are poising themselves to become in charge of management, governance and oversight by placing themselves in the middle and using banks as part of their system. All things that are not needed AT ALL. You program the rules / regulations into the system. That's it. It self regulates PERFECTLY. And Defi means you don't need banks for loans and all the other services plus you'll get better rates that you can compare from all over the world.

They KNOW this tech is right around the corner and it means the end of their system of control and they are scrambling to hold onto it and they will attempt to do it via regulation. The average lawmaker that prior to hearing about this new "immediate threat" they are making up, didn't even know the word defi existed and still doesn't know what it means meanwhile they will make regulation or legislation to address a threat that doesn't exist to a technology they don't remotely comprehend.

It's like hiring somebody both stupid and illiterate to host Jeopardy.

This article excerpt is one click from the landing page for the DTCC under category "DTCC Connection" and titled "FMIs Have a Crucial Role to Play in Advancing DeFi" By Jennifer Peve, DTCC Managing Director, Head of Strategy and Business Development

Direct link here

Article excerpt from 8th paragraph after they try to convince you you need SOMEONE to address the concerns / problems they just spent the first 7 paragraphs convincing you there would be....

Consider smart contracts that manage tokenised securities. While smart contracts could technically operate without any ‘owner’ and be truly decentralised, security and governance risks inherent to this model remain. There is also the possibility for FMIs to manage the smart contract, much like the approach DTCC is developing with its Digital Securities Management (DSM) service. Pending regulatory approval, DSM will employ technologies that allow for tokens to be held in a decentralised manner, with DTCC still providing governance and oversight, enabling more efficient processing and regulatory compliance.

Bullshit. I'll take a couple of genius code monkeys hopped up on Jolt soda that can write scripts to replace the need for their agencies, oversight, and selective enforcement. Then you offer a bug code and hack bounty and the best hackers in the world will test your system for you.

Then here's a link to the PDF of the publication called "EUROFI Regulatory Update" September 2022 issue that Jenifer Peve drew from that goes into much greater detail. It's a 80 page PDF but only a portion of that is addressing this issue. Page 65 is the beginning of the crypto section and page 71 is the start of DeFi and tokenized securities.

Just a quick skim of this is throwing up a lot of red flags. Basically it looks like the DTC and others are positioning themselves to be custodians and guardians over tokenized securities and other defi products that if built and implemented correctly would need virtually neither besides the initial rules and parameters programmed in to conform with laws, rules and regulations. It also seems they want to incorporate banks into the process. Saving their rich friends and systems they can keep market manipulation in place.

I just stumbled into this while I was grabbing a link to their website for an older holder lady I'm friends with (who bought and DRSd her shares!) that was asking me what the DTCC is and I didn't want to cuss so I was going to send a link.

I also noticed that Jenifer Peve misspelled both "tokenised" and "decentralised" showing that it surely will be neither.

EDIT: I did a little digging on Oh guys notice that statement is NOT coming from an expert in Defi, blockchain innovations, emerging markets, disruptive tech, or any relevant field or expertise. It's coming from the Head of Strategy and Business Development.

What's the description of the duties for people with that title?

A leadership individual who oversees an organization's or a company's revenue. They identify and develop new business opportunities to expand brand presence, profitability and revenue.

*The director manages business goals and existing business partnerships, manages marketing efforts, proposes strategies to expand market share, and researches emerging business markets. These individuals also manage business development teams and work closely with executive leadership, stakeholders, and business management.

Most directors of business development and strategy have a bachelor's degree in finance, marketing, business, or a related field, and many employers require several years of experience in sales and marketing. A director of business development and strategy should possess strong leadership, communication, organizational and interpersonal skills, as well as have expert knowledge in how to strategically grow a business's profitability.*

TL;DR The person pushing this is not qualified to facilitate or propose regulations to ANY tech. Their only interest is to expand and protect their companies profitability. Their primary responsibility is to their company over retail investors or government but they will strategically market it in any way that sells.

Well at least we are clear their strategy is to lie, cheat and steal to stay on top.

Her background is not without some red flags either. I would encourage some people with more time than me go ahead and archive her LinkedIn and background as it shows she clearly isn't in it to facilitate the best future for the market from an investors standpoint.

She previously worked for CME Group, Inc. is the world's largest derivatives exchange, offering a broad array of derivatives contracts, clearing services, market data and indexes products. She served as Executive Director of OTC Product Management with responsibility for CME’s cleared OTC credit default swaps

She has extensive knowledge across the entire product life cycle, including OTC, FX and FX Options, OTC Metals, Stock Lending, OTC Credit Default Swaps, OTC Interest Rate Swaps and Swaptions, OTC Total Return Swaps, F&O, Energy and Equities.

Jennifer currently serves on the Technology Advisory Committee of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) as well as FINRA’s FinTech Industry Committee and is the former Chair of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA)’s Banking Working Group. She is a member of SIFMA’s Blockchain Roundtable

Sounds like she's plugged in enough to know Defi and tokenized securities would disrupt / eliminate alot of companies like the DTCC and the money they skim off the top and from the government and she sees the best strategy for them is to interject themselves into a unneeded control position via government regulation not actual necessity in order to continue to exist while exercising the control and power they've enjoyed as we try to move into the future.

She's also a proponent of Central Bank Digital Currencies which is a nightmare for privacy and freedom.



Well so far the villains cast of this movie was a bit misogynistic but looks like we have diversity now! Congrats to our first female villain! of the GameStop saga!