[They] are so disgustingly desperate to normalize paedophilia...
But WHY are [they] forcing this at a rate where even the most brainwashed sheep are caused to pause?...
Anons know. TICK TOCK...
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

The best way to defeat them. Is to allow them to implement their ideas live.
Let the people see the far-left movement out in the open.
They usually have to sneak their ideas in slowly.
Now that they are losing the people. They have to push as fast as possible.
I was always a proponent of accelerationism. Force them to speed up their plans so fast the train derails completely. People called me a fed, ten years ago. Who's laughing now? It was gonna always get worse; why not let it get worse on our terms? Project Warpspeed for everything.
Yup… if they are going to implement their policy. We just can’t let them do it in secret. We can always rollback a policy if most are aware.
Too many people are aware of the government overreach right now.