A thought and question crossed my mind about PayPal's failed policy. Was it in place long ago, as we'd (likely) have been in year six of Hillary's rule, if she did win the first time. Were all those companies planning that far ahead, with gov't of course, and never bothered to correct the policies, or was this just something they thought they could sneak in recently? Remember, all of this was supposed to have been a gradual progression, but perhaps some of what we see is what was set in motion years ago and they never tied up the loose ends.
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I truly believe this stuff that comes out that just seems so ridiculous is being pushed out into the light intentionally.
There's no way in hell this would have been out there front and center like this had any of them a semblance of control.
It would have been hidden behind walls of paragraphs, and certainly worded way more creatively.
So yes, I believe this is all stuff that would have been introduced without much fanfare had they retained ownership of the plan.
You worded it better than I did! It does show we're winning.
I know right? Could paypal really have thought "their newfound authority" was going to be accepted and they were going to rake in billions from fines from anyone who posted a hurt feelings meme online? How did they plan to enforce that? In what world could they put that up on their site under their own volition and NOT think it was going to cost them billions over a weekend? Hmmmm...perhaps a new currency is rolling out, one that cuts them out of the picture entirely, and Paypal decided they could do this before a new system destroys their company, and they just said fuck it, we will kill it on our own.
This is a great question— Adding the context of where we would be if Hillary had won is definitely something to ponder.
In camps or dead.
Quite possibly. I shudder to think.
It was only in place a couple weeks I believe, since late september.