Only a fool seeks vindication and validation from fools. But also such a mindset is indicative of massive insecurity. If we're right, all already is set to be proven so and those of us in the know have nothing more to prove. The satisfaction is in getting to inform our lost friends and family and watching them come around. The satisfaction comes with a heartfelt apology and the dignity and respect to forgive them. For at one point or another, we too were lost and we too were shitty to others...
I can't make anyone do anything nor do I want to even try to. However this is about your personal well being. It won't feel as "good" as you think getting to rub salt in the wound. If you're here because you want to be right, then you are already wrong. It's not about being right. Never was. It's about what IS right and having compassion and understanding when the time comes. Yes... I know these people, the worst of them supposedly wanted us all dead. Though one must ask how much of that was actually them, or bot/CIA manipulation and influence. Just because we saw through the bullshit doesn't mean they did. They don't have our perspective because the mockingbird influence is just that strong... so yes, I do think a majority of people WILL come around when the time comes...
I gotta say... things have never felt so optimistic going into an election... maybe I'm huffing the hopium pipe a little hard, or maybe we're about to see darkness into light even brighter than we could imagine...
Great post, GoingCamaro! I think most on this board would agree, especially since so many are dying from the poisonous jab. It’s hard to gloat at peoples pain. (I hope I don’t sound like a virtue signaler! 🤣)
It does more damage to your soul convincing yourself that you'll "feel good" but in reality you become no better than they were in the first place...
Much easier... Much much easier said than done. There was a time where if my younger self saw this, he'd calm me a faggot... But that little boy is still too much of a slave to giving too many fucks... While insisting he doesn't.
Here we go again.
We have some righteous indignation and it makes us "no better than them"
This is piss poor moral equivalence and it irks me every time I read it.
Suffering PTSD after 2 1/2 years of psychological warfare and being angry, resentful or spiteful will NEVER make anyone like the deep state or the NPC's who facilitated this with their apathy.
I have no love or remorse for the derp state. I guess I should clarify that those fucking inhuman piles of trash are in a separate category altogether in my worldview. Same with any violent criminals who followed their bullshit. That is NOT who I am speaking about.
What I am talking about is the normie NPC faggot who may have protested and posts on twattter all the time. The ones who are genuinely misguided and have been misled- the ones who ARE worthy of forgiveness and redemption. The pedo elite deserve hell and if there is a god and He is Just, that is what will happen to those who harm children for personal gain.
But the redditards and dumb asses who didn't actually cause any physical harm? THOSE are the ones we still can reach. THOSE are the ones we ourselves would be if we weren't gifted the knowledge. THOSE are the ones I am ASKING you to find forgiveness for...
That said, you need to come to these realizations yourself. These are the important distinctions that you want to resolve so you can see that we have more friends than enemies... but to each in their own time.
When you put it like that I can't disagree.
GoingCamaro. A big high five for this subject matter. I couldn't agree more.
I've told all my vaxed family and relatives(it's all of them), that I Pray to God they were right about the vaccines and I am wrong. I'm not happy about how it's turning out, I didn't want to be right. Only Jesus matters more to me than they do.