posted ago by SemperSupra ago by SemperSupra +167 / -0


“So what number company do you think Nike is? The Nike. Number 321. It’s not there to be as big a financial company as it can be,” he argued. “It’s there as an influencer because black people love Nike.”

“So Nike is like a company that is redlining and gerrymandering, black people,” West charged before going into the Gap with whom he recently announced the termination of a partnership. “So the reason why Gap wanted me to go-the Gap-it wasn’t based on, oh, we need to get our stocks up. You know, it’s like these companies when they’ve been around for a long time, Gap’s not like, they’re like, we’re in the rag trade. We’re never going to be Apple. And everyone, all of these American companies somehow took this deal where they start putting in these really awkward, weird number kind of CEOs like Nike’s got one, the Gap had one. It didn’t work out.”

“And there’s all of these weird operators inside of companies, even in Balenciaga, you know. The…they’re just there for control,” he railed.

Anyone awake knows what he means. Those operators make sure the company stays on the narrative and doesn't deviate. They have no purpose other than to make sure they push the NARRATIVE.

“Steve Jobs talked about it. It’s the most important thing you can have is control. Look at me,” West began to lament. “All the money, all the influence, and I have to act a complete ass to have any say so of anything that my children are doing, because that group of people have control and say so over all the children inside of the clan.

Have to act like an ass because they control your kids.


Fake news already gaslighting hard and calling him insane.

“So that’s what these companies are set up for. That’s the type of CEOs they hire, especially when the founders are out of there. They kind of just give the companies up to a bunch of people and they’re all in cahoots. Like anyone that ever worked with me, they just look at, oh, who’s Ye farming for talent that we can hire to be our new BLM office manager,” he suggested before adding, “Like, kind of like Obama.”

Some lethal truth bombs. No wonder tech working to silence him.

After Carlson composed himself from laughing at West’s remark he asked, “You think of Obama as a BLM office manager?”

All smiles, the rapper affirmed, “Best one ever. Best one ever.”


His distaste for BLM and the negative influences the activist movement has had on society was aired out earlier in the week when he posted to social media, “Everyone knows that Black Live Matter was a scam. Now its over. You’re welcome.”


So he talks about the corporations do not exist to make wealth but to control people and influence them. They don't care if "go woke, go broke" because their goal is to influence and control.

No wonder I've been seeing so much "REEEEEE KANYEEEEE" on social media. "YOU CAN'T SAY THIS!""