Why I'm leaving the Democratic Party
I love our country. Our God-given rights of freedom, life, and liberty enshrined in our Constitution and Bill of Rights are my inspiration. I answered the call to duty and took an oath, dedicating my life to supporting and defending those freedoms, both in...
Thanks for giving a reasoned argument. All of what you said may be true. Here's my take on this: TG doing this now shines a light on the dem hypocrisy less than a month from the midterms no matter what her intentions are. WE are not the audience that needs to hear the things she is saying, her followers are. That is a win for our side.
So, who is down-voting me? Apparently, some one is not brave enough to make themselves known. It leaves me lost to what that person even disagrees with. So much for critical analyse and debate. Apparently to some the knives-in-the-back is the way to not have to provide cognitive positions to 'paper'.
Get used to down votes following you once you've dared to stray into an area of thought that questions some posters belief systems. I've been down voted for posting a q drop as a response.
It's somewhat plausible. We'll have to wait and see.