Tealights can come in very handy. My suggestion would be to create a new folder with these recipes- and do a trial run first. This video has subtitles as its in a European country.
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why not build a fire though?
That would work too but. If it’s really cold or wet, inside would be more suitable. The biggest danger are uninvited guests. When you are hungry and your neighbour ‘throws another prawn on the barbie’ you WILL have visitors. If you have planned and have stored food, any prepper knows not to advertise it! There will be Agrade predators about - those looking for any opportunity to steal from those that have food. There are many docos where people retold their situations in desperate times. I’ll try and find a book where this guy catalogued his plight and it’s not pretty. Some on here might recall it. The guy had a foreign sounding name and it’s been 10 years? since I read it.
Even some family members will turn on you - and you probably know who they are - if they realise you have food (many preppers have planned for this) and we saw it with covid, but word will get out very fast. If you have little children and you haven’t prepared and they are hungry, it’s human nature to protect and provide for them. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Things like cooking inside after midnight when hopefully neighbours are asleep and they don’t detect cooking smells. We have no idea what’s going to happen when SHTF because we have gone thru anything like it. Not many here remember the Great Depression, but if you are in a city area or environs, it will be hard to disguise your presence. It doesn’t matter if you do everything to protect your loved ones and have food to last six months and nothing happens. But, if it does go down, well………..I know what camp I want to be in.
That was really long…but my point is using tea candles to cook….bake bread even? I’m ok on cold canned goods….or heat those with tea candles. Baking bread….so not keto. :-)
😀. I know it was long. Sorry. It’s the method you use. Did you watch the video? We’ve Experimented with cooking using - not sure what they are called in the US but they are like a sunshade that protected the inside of your car. You open them out on your front windows and they go inside, not outside the car. We boiled water in quick time and an egg. https://youtu.be/nT8JXxCPe1M
because the video was about using tealights... not fires.
yeah because tea lights do not have a flame?
Or a paraffin or butane stove. Much smaller, cheaper and more portable than a wood stove. More power. Controllable flame. No soot on pots.
I built rocket stoves with my sons