I'm not aware of any laws against making a mockery of any groups or classes of people. So as long as the "mockery" doesn't include threats and veer off into hate speech or incites violence, it's Free Speech.
What you can't do is dictate what others might say or do in response to your expression of Free Speech. Because that's infringing on their right to Free Speech, you see? Assuming they are also not veering off into Hate Speech or inciting violence, of course.
I've seen this same argument before, and what it really boils down to is that people are angry they can't express non-PC thoughts without someone criticizing them about it. And that's pretty damn hypocritical.
I say don't be a hypocritical coward. If you want to express your right to Free Speech and mock a group or class of people, go for it. But don't cry and whine when others use that same right to Free Speech to respond with something you don't like.
I can't imagine why a sensible American would downvote that. I applaud the right to a different view of course, but I can't imagine what that view could be in the context of the 1A. Hmm.
I believe it's been downvoted because people don't like being called out as hypocrites.
For as much as I see people here mock liberals and progressives for their "safe spaces" and cancel culture, many do the exact same thing here.
Just look at the rules for this site. You will get banned for mocking Trump or Q. This is indeed a safe space for Q followers and Trump supporters. That's simply a fact. But whenever that is pointed out to someone here who is ridiculing liberals for their safe spaces, whoo boy! Do they get heated up!
And the person whose post I originally responded to, u/Ryan192 ,is shaking their pom poms here for the right to Free Speech while on another thread, they're calling for moderators to ban people here who reference "two more weeks!".
Can we get a rule for people posting "2 weeks" fuck man, do we really need these people on this forum? Like what are you trying to say?
How is that nothing other than being a hypocrite?
And look at how many people here complain about liberals and their cancel culture while they make a big deal out of letting everyone know why they canceled(or refuse to partake of) Netflix/Disney/Chikfila/CNN/Wayfair/Bed Bath & Beyond/Cable TV/Hollywood movies/Washington Post/New York Times/every other cancel du jour.
It's just blatant hypocrisy and seems to only get worse and worse. 🤷♀️
Could not agree more. This fact alone has caused me more than anything else to question the credibility of many other of the claims made by some folks.
I get what you're saying, but the responses to white people doing stuff is never anything thats just "free speech".
If a white person does something that racists don't like, they call for their lives to be ruined, and will do everything in their power to destroy them.
It's not about saying some non-pc shit and people getting angry, it's about the entire culture of destroying those people and saying they shouldn't exist.
Other than calling for violence against someone, people have the right to make their displeasure known. They have the right to let the employer of the person who offended them know that they won't do business with them because of what their employee said or did.
They have the right to not watch their movies, buy their products, do business with them, and criticize their actions all they want.
Again, they also have their rights to Free Speech, as long as it doesn't call for violence or veer off into hate speech and such.
But I am curious what you are speaking about, specifically, when you talk about someone being "destroyed". Other than maybe losing their job or losing business or having their reputation damaged, how exactly do you think someone would be "destroyed" in these cases?
It's 2022. Unless someone has been living under a rock for the last 40 years, they should know what sort of response the "stuff" (as you call it) they do will bring about. It's up to them to decide if that "stuff" they do is important enough to have people want to "destroy" them.
And I don't really see it as anyone saying that people shouldn't exist. Just that the "stuff" they do shouldn't exist.
I'm not aware of any laws against making a mockery of any groups or classes of people. So as long as the "mockery" doesn't include threats and veer off into hate speech or incites violence, it's Free Speech.
What you can't do is dictate what others might say or do in response to your expression of Free Speech. Because that's infringing on their right to Free Speech, you see? Assuming they are also not veering off into Hate Speech or inciting violence, of course.
I've seen this same argument before, and what it really boils down to is that people are angry they can't express non-PC thoughts without someone criticizing them about it. And that's pretty damn hypocritical.
I say don't be a hypocritical coward. If you want to express your right to Free Speech and mock a group or class of people, go for it. But don't cry and whine when others use that same right to Free Speech to respond with something you don't like.
I can't imagine why a sensible American would downvote that. I applaud the right to a different view of course, but I can't imagine what that view could be in the context of the 1A. Hmm.
I believe it's been downvoted because people don't like being called out as hypocrites.
For as much as I see people here mock liberals and progressives for their "safe spaces" and cancel culture, many do the exact same thing here.
Just look at the rules for this site. You will get banned for mocking Trump or Q. This is indeed a safe space for Q followers and Trump supporters. That's simply a fact. But whenever that is pointed out to someone here who is ridiculing liberals for their safe spaces, whoo boy! Do they get heated up!
And the person whose post I originally responded to, u/Ryan192 ,is shaking their pom poms here for the right to Free Speech while on another thread, they're calling for moderators to ban people here who reference "two more weeks!".
How is that nothing other than being a hypocrite?
And look at how many people here complain about liberals and their cancel culture while they make a big deal out of letting everyone know why they canceled(or refuse to partake of) Netflix/Disney/Chikfila/CNN/Wayfair/Bed Bath & Beyond/Cable TV/Hollywood movies/Washington Post/New York Times/every other cancel du jour.
It's just blatant hypocrisy and seems to only get worse and worse. 🤷♀️
Could not agree more. This fact alone has caused me more than anything else to question the credibility of many other of the claims made by some folks.
I get what you're saying, but the responses to white people doing stuff is never anything thats just "free speech".
If a white person does something that racists don't like, they call for their lives to be ruined, and will do everything in their power to destroy them.
It's not about saying some non-pc shit and people getting angry, it's about the entire culture of destroying those people and saying they shouldn't exist.
Other than calling for violence against someone, people have the right to make their displeasure known. They have the right to let the employer of the person who offended them know that they won't do business with them because of what their employee said or did.
They have the right to not watch their movies, buy their products, do business with them, and criticize their actions all they want.
Again, they also have their rights to Free Speech, as long as it doesn't call for violence or veer off into hate speech and such.
But I am curious what you are speaking about, specifically, when you talk about someone being "destroyed". Other than maybe losing their job or losing business or having their reputation damaged, how exactly do you think someone would be "destroyed" in these cases?
It's 2022. Unless someone has been living under a rock for the last 40 years, they should know what sort of response the "stuff" (as you call it) they do will bring about. It's up to them to decide if that "stuff" they do is important enough to have people want to "destroy" them.
And I don't really see it as anyone saying that people shouldn't exist. Just that the "stuff" they do shouldn't exist.