Rural North Carolina Judge Sends Potential Juror to Jail - With No Bond - For Refusing to Wear Mask
Judge Charles "Winston" Gilchrist, who was a criminal defense attorney until appointed to the bench, attempted a power trip against a man who actually served his country.
Wow! It will be interesting to see where this goes. I admire the man for holding steady. The judge needs to go.
To fucking jail
That's where the judge needs to go
Yup, this is kidnapping under the color of law. These would be tyrants must suffer severe consequences.
Abuse of power and authority.
Judge gotta go to Gitmo.
Even better
The judge doesn't have a leg to stand on. The bogus CDC even rescinded masking requirements in healthcare settings, albeit with zero news coverage.
Actually the CDC gave leeway to health care facilities to decide based on “Covid risks” which are bogus. But far be it from health facilities to admit it was a bogus hoax and take the gravy train away. If the lame brain healthcare workers stopped acting like scared sheep right from the beginning and all said no to forced Covid shots and masks, we wouldn’t be in the state we are in now!
I'm old enough to remember pre Chyna Virus that is was a direct violation of infection control policy in EVERY hospital if you were walking around wearing a mask! There were exceptions (if you refused to take flu shot you had to wear on during flu, but otherwise you got called out if you had just pulled it down and had it hanging on your neck walking down the hall. So much crazy.
Why not just take him off the jury pool rather than waste taxpayer money by jailing him for a “worthless crime”, since masks prevent nothing? I will tell you why. The judge was on a power trip. “You will do as the government says, regardless of whether it makes sense”. He is overstepping his power. The man is doing the county or city a favor by sitting on the jury, for which he receives a paltry amount. When you sit on a jury, you lose income, not gain. Yes, I can see it as your “civic” duty, but civic duty doesn’t pay the bills for someone on a tight budget.
Agreed. Having done jury, and sometimes going before a judge for other reasons, it's obvious that some judges hold all citizens in contempt, and are eager tyrants.
I hope he wins! There is not grounds for jail especially as judges have such discretion criminals repeatedly receive revolving door treatment.
I hope so.
“But a March 2022 joint order from Harnett and Lee County officials (the two counties that comprise this judicial district) grants individual judges or the Clerk of Superior Court or the District Attorney the right to require them in their courtrooms or personal offices.”
They need to remove the order that gave this judge the power of choice and THAN take him behind the wood shed
The judge acted “ex-Judicial”, so he should be tried under “Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law”
If a manager grabs and sexually touches an employee without permission - his actions are not condoned by the company; he is on his own. Same rules need to apply to “Judges”
Everyone knows that masks don't work now and he (the guy thrown in jail) said even the state and court house had no mandates, was just 'up to the judge' if he wanted people to wear it.
It's an arbitrary order. Like I order you to strip naked in front of everyone here, or touch your nose while standing on one foot.
When a judge does a clearly illegal move like this the citizens need to dragnhis ass out of rhe court and stomp him good.
anecdotal from this week, i didn't go to jail...BUT, arrived for my annual mamo screening, and was given a mask, and ordered to wear...looking around, i saw that everyone had mask i caved and put on the face diaper (on my upper lip to chin, not nose) cuz i thought it not worth risking my personal health at this exact moment if i were to cancel appt and hafta wait months for someplace else...30min in a mask no big deal, however have already changed my mamo service for next yr...insanity remains in the medical community...good news, mamo results clear!
You should have skipped the mask and cancelled the mammogram.
This was a Consumer Reports article from 2015-
Can radiation from mammograms cause cancer?
Radiation from CT scans, X-rays, and even mammograms can increase the risk of breast cancer
Archived link -
thanks for your reply...will give it consideration and more research, from here on out...when obamacare started saying older women didn't need annual mamo's, my antennae went up, not trusting THAT to be beneficial for women, if in obamacare...
The social intimidation and abuse of authority is a big factor. Glad your results were clear!
I don't mean to be preachy or intrusive, but you should be aware that mammograms produce vastly more false positives than actual positives. There's a sizeable and continually growing group of doctors (not the AMA, and not the breast cancer specialists) that recommend against regular mammogram screenings because they lead to more harm than good. It's worth doing your own research about it.
Ok, I'm going to be a bit preachy by sharing this article. Mother Jones is politically left, but their roots are in Vietnam-era speak-truth-to-power resistance to authority. Obviously keep your own judgement.
no offense taken, and i will research further...i did consider not having a mamo this year cuz have had ivermectin, which we all know about...this will probably all be moot in a few short weeks/months, anyhow, as the Lord is bringing us out of the darkness...blessings to all, friends...