If DeSantis wants to be a real America First politician, and win the support of the highly energized America First voters, then here is his perfect opportunity to do it. He needs to tell Paul Ryan to shove his endorsement straight up his ass, and denounce him as the type of RINO trash that the republican party needs to purge from its ranks.
This is a fork in the road for Ron. An endorsement from Paul Ryan, and the RINO establishment is a curse. Will he graciously accept the curse, or stand up, and call it what it is?
Well the question is, Did DeSantis actually SEEK Ryan's endorsement? If the endorsement came out of left field and DeSantis did not ask for it, that's one thing; sort of like when KKK leader David Duke endorsed Tulsi Gabbard. She didn't solicit Duke's endorsement, it was just a political albatross that she had to disavow. Here is the Wiki entry on David Duke's endorsement:
"In February 2019, the media reported Duke had endorsed presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard for the Democratic ticket and changed his Twitter banner to a picture of Gabbard. He tweeted "Tulsi Gabbard for President. Finally a candidate who will actually put America First rather than Israel First!" Gabbard refused Duke's support: "I have strongly denounced David Duke's hateful views and his so-called 'support' multiple times in the past, and reject his support." Following Gabbard's defeat, Duke endorsed president Donald Trump for reelection."
So just because a RINO endorses someone, doesn't mean the endorsee sought or solicited that endorsement. I suspect that DeSantis will quietly walk away from this albatross.
...I suspect that DeSantis will quietly walk away from this albatross.
Unfortunately, that's a likely outcome. But, that is why I called it a "fork in the road" for Ron. He could capitalize on the endorsement by forcefully rejecting it, and denouncing the entire RINO agenda that Paul Ryan represents.
I really hope he chooses the strong path. But, nearly everything about the republican party has been one disappointment, let down, and failure, after another, so I don't have high hopes for Ron demonstrating true bravery by staring down a RINO. Let's see what happens.
Well in truth, it might not be a good idea to subject people to any kind of "purity test." That's what the Left does, but I recognize that no human is perfect, and to expect perfection is to seek the impossible.
As Dan Bongino frequently says, "Republicans aren't the answer to all of our problems, but Democrats are the CAUSE of all of our problems."
As Dan Bongino frequently says, "Republicans aren't the answer to all of our problems, but Democrats are the CAUSE of all of our problems."
I get what Bongino is saying here but I don't like it. It omits the fact that the republican party establishment is also the cause of ALL of our problems, due to their inability, and/or unwillingness to fight against the radical left democrats. {see mile long list of easily prosecutable criminal offenses committed by democrats that perpetually go unpunished, for proof}
To me, it says: "Conservative voters should be happy to strive for, and accept policies (RINO politicians) that are not what the nation really needs to survive, and thrive, because the democrats are even worse. Accept second best, and be happy, because that's all America is worth."
I don't like that attitude. Nope. Not one bit. That is loser mentality; defeatist mentality. That is the mentality of the republican party establishment- losers, and weaklings, and I'm sick and tired of these kinds of establishment asswipes having any say whatsoever as to how to run this country, and repair our damaged society.
The spineless RINO party establishment of weaklings have absolutely no place in American politics whatsoever. And, if we the people do not rid ourselves of them, we will continue to lose, until we learn our lesson- the "lesser of two evils" is still, evil. We need a better direction.
DeSantis has been given the perfect opportunity to forge that direction, here and now by rejecting the RINO endorsement. He should seize that opportunity.
If DeSantis wants to be a real America First politician, and win the support of the highly energized America First voters, then here is his perfect opportunity to do it. He needs to tell Paul Ryan to shove his endorsement straight up his ass, and denounce him as the type of RINO trash that the republican party needs to purge from its ranks.
This is a fork in the road for Ron. An endorsement from Paul Ryan, and the RINO establishment is a curse. Will he graciously accept the curse, or stand up, and call it what it is?
Well the question is, Did DeSantis actually SEEK Ryan's endorsement? If the endorsement came out of left field and DeSantis did not ask for it, that's one thing; sort of like when KKK leader David Duke endorsed Tulsi Gabbard. She didn't solicit Duke's endorsement, it was just a political albatross that she had to disavow. Here is the Wiki entry on David Duke's endorsement:
"In February 2019, the media reported Duke had endorsed presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard for the Democratic ticket and changed his Twitter banner to a picture of Gabbard. He tweeted "Tulsi Gabbard for President. Finally a candidate who will actually put America First rather than Israel First!" Gabbard refused Duke's support: "I have strongly denounced David Duke's hateful views and his so-called 'support' multiple times in the past, and reject his support." Following Gabbard's defeat, Duke endorsed president Donald Trump for reelection."
So just because a RINO endorses someone, doesn't mean the endorsee sought or solicited that endorsement. I suspect that DeSantis will quietly walk away from this albatross.
Unfortunately, that's a likely outcome. But, that is why I called it a "fork in the road" for Ron. He could capitalize on the endorsement by forcefully rejecting it, and denouncing the entire RINO agenda that Paul Ryan represents.
I really hope he chooses the strong path. But, nearly everything about the republican party has been one disappointment, let down, and failure, after another, so I don't have high hopes for Ron demonstrating true bravery by staring down a RINO. Let's see what happens.
Well in truth, it might not be a good idea to subject people to any kind of "purity test." That's what the Left does, but I recognize that no human is perfect, and to expect perfection is to seek the impossible.
As Dan Bongino frequently says, "Republicans aren't the answer to all of our problems, but Democrats are the CAUSE of all of our problems."
I get what Bongino is saying here but I don't like it. It omits the fact that the republican party establishment is also the cause of ALL of our problems, due to their inability, and/or unwillingness to fight against the radical left democrats.
{see mile long list of easily prosecutable criminal offenses committed by democrats that perpetually go unpunished, for proof}
To me, it says: "Conservative voters should be happy to strive for, and accept policies (RINO politicians) that are not what the nation really needs to survive, and thrive, because the democrats are even worse. Accept second best, and be happy, because that's all America is worth."
I don't like that attitude. Nope. Not one bit. That is loser mentality; defeatist mentality. That is the mentality of the republican party establishment- losers, and weaklings, and I'm sick and tired of these kinds of establishment asswipes having any say whatsoever as to how to run this country, and repair our damaged society.
The spineless RINO party establishment of weaklings have absolutely no place in American politics whatsoever. And, if we the people do not rid ourselves of them, we will continue to lose, until we learn our lesson- the "lesser of two evils" is still, evil. We need a better direction.
DeSantis has been given the perfect opportunity to forge that direction, here and now by rejecting the RINO endorsement. He should seize that opportunity.
Even if he denounced it, it could be a setup for him to do just that. Just another chance for him to "look MAGA". I don't trust RD.
David Duke endorsed Donald Trump.
He endorsed a lot of people who didn't want it.
Maybe that’s the whole plan, they are attacking trump and now they are switching to trump light