Reptilians, flat earth, moon landings faked, Elvis alive, Greta time traveler, dinosaurs didn’t exist, essential oils cure all illness, the Beatles never existed, Finland isn’t a country.
All bull shit to distort and confuse. The rest is accurate.
Don’t tell me Q has confirmed all of this because that makes you outright a liar.
“ Don’t tell me Q has confirmed all of this because that makes you outright a liar.”
Well it’s important to note that I didn’t say that. I said 5 things, which it is a little more, but the rest aka the majority of this chart, is not bullshit. So to call it detached from reality and say that it’s mostly accurate, is bullshit.
If it was all true then it would be false to call it mostly accurate vs accurate. But because it is not all entirely true, that’s what makes it mostly accurate. Don’t be so stubborn.
He’s calling the post mostly accurate - which is labeling all of these things as detached from reality. But most of the things listed are true.
It’s not a matter of being stubborn, I think you’re misunderstanding the thread.
Again, I clearly didn’t say all of it was accurate, but the majority is and is confirmed by Q. Why this is even a discussion is besides me.
Elon is labeling most of the things Q speaks about as it being detached from reality is mostly accurate.
Dude there’s like only 5 things from the top, literally everything else is valid and covered by Q.
Reptilians, flat earth, moon landings faked, Elvis alive, Greta time traveler, dinosaurs didn’t exist, essential oils cure all illness, the Beatles never existed, Finland isn’t a country.
All bull shit to distort and confuse. The rest is accurate.
Don’t tell me Q has confirmed all of this because that makes you outright a liar.
Moon landing was real? Pull the other one
Well it’s important to note that I didn’t say that. I said 5 things, which it is a little more, but the rest aka the majority of this chart, is not bullshit. So to call it detached from reality and say that it’s mostly accurate, is bullshit.
If it was all true then it would be false to call it mostly accurate vs accurate. But because it is not all entirely true, that’s what makes it mostly accurate. Don’t be so stubborn.
He’s calling the post mostly accurate - which is labeling all of these things as detached from reality. But most of the things listed are true. It’s not a matter of being stubborn, I think you’re misunderstanding the thread.
False, MOON landings are real.
Programs exist that are outside of public domain.
Disinformation is also necessary
Again, I clearly didn’t say all of it was accurate, but the majority is and is confirmed by Q. Why this is even a discussion is besides me. Elon is labeling most of the things Q speaks about as it being detached from reality is mostly accurate.
Exactly. But some have oil lamps for enlightenment. Not very bright….