101 Cop-Hating Marxist in Seattle Begs for Police Protection After Vandals Continue to Hurl Sh*t at Her House Every Night (www.thegatewaypundit.com) posted 2 years ago by undine53 2 years ago by undine53 +101 / -0 Cop-Hating Marxist in Seattle Begs for Police Protection After Vandals Continue to Hurl Sh*t at Her House Every Night Marxist Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant led the charge against police officers in Seattle. Sawant pushed to defund the police in Seattle. Now vandals are hurling human sh*t at her house every night and she is begging for police protection. Social... 18 comments share 18 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Has she tried taking the misunderstood victim offenders out to coffee, listening to their grievances, and counseling them yet?
With all that direct involvement and sympathetic attention, they'll have to stop defecating eventually, right?