I simply won’t be the same after this. Covid changed me for ever. I cannot believe how many people threw their families and friends under the bus for a virus with a 99.9% survival rate. I can’t believe how many Churches and local governments cow towed to the narrative. My faith in humanity has been shattered.
And still to this day despite all the hard and circumstantial evidence that this was all a scam and a massive crime against humanity, many will defend the lockdowns, mandated masks and vaccines etc. cause admitting a Trump voter was right is worse then death itself.
Thank you pnw...well put. My faith in humanity has taken the biggest blow I have ever experienced I had always believed in the basic good of people with the natural inclination to do the right thing.
This whole election and covid time period has shaken my whole world view. I have prayed more in the past 3 years than in the first 50 years of my life.
Yes both of you….I too gave humans far more credit for common sense than they ever deserved. And this included well educated engineers, microbiologists and MBA’s in my profession. It’s only through all of this that I am now certain I am in the 95% percentile for intelligence along with most of you who have found your way here by way of critical thinking and common sense. Humans for the most part are absolute fools. No wonder the cabal tries to treat us like sheep; 95% of us are nothing more. This whole Covid exercise has been so painful for me I just can’t look at my coworkers and corporate management without disgust anymore. NPC’s everywhere.
I simply won’t be the same after this. Covid changed me for ever. I cannot believe how many people threw their families and friends under the bus for a virus with a 99.9% survival rate. I can’t believe how many Churches and local governments cow towed to the narrative. My faith in humanity has been shattered.
And still to this day despite all the hard and circumstantial evidence that this was all a scam and a massive crime against humanity, many will defend the lockdowns, mandated masks and vaccines etc. cause admitting a Trump voter was right is worse then death itself.
Thank you pnw...well put. My faith in humanity has taken the biggest blow I have ever experienced I had always believed in the basic good of people with the natural inclination to do the right thing. This whole election and covid time period has shaken my whole world view. I have prayed more in the past 3 years than in the first 50 years of my life.
Yes both of you….I too gave humans far more credit for common sense than they ever deserved. And this included well educated engineers, microbiologists and MBA’s in my profession. It’s only through all of this that I am now certain I am in the 95% percentile for intelligence along with most of you who have found your way here by way of critical thinking and common sense. Humans for the most part are absolute fools. No wonder the cabal tries to treat us like sheep; 95% of us are nothing more. This whole Covid exercise has been so painful for me I just can’t look at my coworkers and corporate management without disgust anymore. NPC’s everywhere.
"No wonder the cabal tries to treat us like sheep; 95% of us are nothing more." My personal Great Awakening. It's still unbelievable to me.
I believe the biggest blow to my faith in humanity is that they'll cite us as the reason that they have no faith in humanity.