1: We know how to beat election Fraud (See Youngkin)
2: A large MAGA coalition is building (Hispanics, Muslims in Michigan, Soccer Moms)
3: Lots of Strong Candidates: Kari Lake, Mastriano, Masters, Vance, etc
4: The electoral issues are terrible for the dems
5: People are redpilled and will never vote for dems again
*Keep your eye on the elections like Bannon, because the Red Wave will destroy...
You are very wise for being such a used snatch! I have to agree with your analysis. I understand the consternation when it comes to Oz but this is why I would be comfortable voting for Oz if I was in PA. You obviously get nowhere but selling our country futher down the river if you go with uncle fester hoodie man. There is at least a chance with Oz