Things overnight are certainly heating up in Ukraine. While many slam Telegram, I do source info on the SMO from there. I read IntelSlavaZ as well as Intel Republic and WarGonzo and others. I know there is a concern by Greg Phillips re Telegram but I have been following politics for decades and to reject one area where the news I get is current and can be verified by other sources etc. is just silly. If the source becomes suss, I seek further info. It’s fluid. Someone is getting those videos and pics from someone on the frontline or someone close to the source. Another I read or listen to is The New Atlas. Redacted are getting their act together too. Great talking with you.
I don’t have much social media - telegram and FB but anonymously 😀 to buy and sell only and even that is a pain. I prefer to seek out good vlogs and people like Colonel Douglas MacGregor but he has moved to bitchute and rumble but we prefer watching it on tv.
Things overnight are certainly heating up in Ukraine. While many slam Telegram, I do source info on the SMO from there. I read IntelSlavaZ as well as Intel Republic and WarGonzo and others. I know there is a concern by Greg Phillips re Telegram but I have been following politics for decades and to reject one area where the news I get is current and can be verified by other sources etc. is just silly. If the source becomes suss, I seek further info. It’s fluid. Someone is getting those videos and pics from someone on the frontline or someone close to the source. Another I read or listen to is The New Atlas. Redacted are getting their act together too. Great talking with you.
You too, you do really solid posts and comments. It takes energy doesn't it!
I never got into telegram because I never got into smartphones. I retreated from the field of battle.
I don’t have much social media - telegram and FB but anonymously 😀 to buy and sell only and even that is a pain. I prefer to seek out good vlogs and people like Colonel Douglas MacGregor but he has moved to bitchute and rumble but we prefer watching it on tv.