YO! Haters! So, GAW rolling with the Danchenko trial verdict is "moving the goalposts," is it? Like Danchenko was our big end goal or something? That's your big 'gotcha' for us? That's *retarded*. LOOK INTO MY EYES:
🧠 These people are stupid!

Could that not have been accomplished while at the same time claiming the scalp of an obviously guilty defendent and flipping him; therefore making it easier to go after the big fish?
The possible fly in that ointment is that if we nailed the punk in lying to the FBI, this might spoil our chances to catch the big fish since the FBI leadership could plead ignorance, claim that they didn't know that the information are lies and that they acted in good faith on all other points. This might give them enough wiggle room to slip away, sacrificing the pawn while preserving the king and queen.
I'm not a lawyer, so take this with a grain of salt, but in this day of age, we can not let our bloodlust spoil our chances of real victory.
From what I understand, the FiSA court was lied to. Everyone knew the info in the Steele Dossier was false. Sussman didn't lie to the FBI. Now Danchenko didn't lie to the FBI. The FBI still used this info in the FISA Application. They are running out of scapegoats.
They will collapse the financial system and everyone will be far too distracted just trying to stay alive to pay any attention to more secret evidence and classified behind door hearings supposedly bringing criminals to justice.
This ^
It's not like he didn't try to claim the scalp; the jury found the fucker not guilty