With all of the Telegram hype, I ventured into the app this afternoon as it had been a bit since I'd checked on the news from the various channels that I follow. Nothing to write home about, but I noticed a very dark vibe from the comments that I perused. My usual, jovial self actually started to doom reading about current events, specifically the CDC vote tomorrow, among other things. The message that I got is that we are not winning and that the end is nigh. Could this toxic view on life be the poison that GP is speaking of? Anyway, it got me thinking about the past year. Exactly one year ago this week, I found out that mine and my husband's job were at risk of being eliminated because we both refused the EUA jab. We were told we had 4 weeks to fill out a waiver and wait on approval from HR -- or face termination without the option of seeking unemployment benefits. I remember I was terrified and immediately sent emails to the CFO pleading with them not to proceed. He was understanding, but claimed his hands were tied -- that it was the Legal Department's decision and they were following fed contractor-based rules. It was very disheartening, but we stood our ground and didn't get the shot - we offered it up to God. A lot of people that were initially resistant did succumb, however, and when the mandates were shot down in court, all of those who had complied were pissed, if you can imagine.
My point of this is -- as dark as that time seemed, a piece of me knew that the mandate would never stick. I felt that we would have divine intervention and months later, that prophetic feeling came true and the mandate was lifted. We had won a scrimmage in this seemingly endless war.
Today, the uneasy feeling crept back into my periphery, but only for a second as I was reminded that we will have losses in this war, but they will be countered with equally astounding wins. Negativity is the harbinger of doom and others who revel in the dark ocean will try to pull you in with them. In the words of Crowded House, don't let them win. We've got this!
To borrow an overused metaphor, a cornered animal is extremely dangerous. This is what we're seeing.
Not exactly a Q follower, but I can say that things are starting to shake up. MAGA candidates are on track to win in states that have defortified at unprecedented levels. Dunno if we'll get the Senate, but the House is ours to lose (make sure you vote like hell), huge victories looming in local races, and a bunch of Governor races are leaning Orange as well. My phone is ringing off the hook with texts to "just send me twenty bucks to stop evil orange man bro" from the DNC, which tells me they're getting desperate.
Excellent point fren.
The Cabal is running out of options, their system is collapsing too fast for them to install their Great Reset without the Public rejecting it altogether. More people are becoming aware of the crimes against Humanity committed by the big league politicians, Hollywood celebs and the Arsenic Valley tech corporations
I've had a running theory for a while now that Donald Trump delayed their timetable, forcing them to rush ahead on this stuff to catch back up. This is why people are noticing and rejecting the insanity they're pushing.
Assuming I'm right, that would be Trump's greatest accomplishment as president
Project Warp Speed was to steer us into the torpedo before it had a chance to arm itself. Red October.
Could be. I suppose he threw it out of whack altogether, not just slowing it down, but also speeding up parts of it, forcing them to readjust everything.
I could be completely bonkers, though, so take me with a grain of salt, lol.