IQ scores are absolute BULLSHIT.
Yes, i have had my IQ tested professionally, and the tests they use, in my opinion, didn’t really measure IQ at all.h
For example, i was given the “tinker-toy-test” where i proceeded to build a fully functional robot, that greatly impressed these professionals.
They didn’t bother to ask me if i had any prior experience with tinker toys, because if they did, they would have realized that i was probably going to do much better than people who didn’t have years of experience.
But ask me to throw a baseball in the strike zone, and im gonna fail that IQ test every time.
My sister was also professionally IQ tested, and she got a very high score, simply for being able to pick up pennies and put them in a cup, faster than average.
They didn’t bother to consider if my sister had some other advantage, such as long fingernails, that allowed her to pick up pennies easier than someone with short fingernails.
long fingernails = high IQ
short fingernails = low IQ
Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
Anyway, i was given a high IQ score, which was very easy for me to want to believe, whether it was true or not.
I mean, who wouldn’t want to believe they are smarter than average?
But eventually, some things just didn’t add up.
If my IQ score was so high, then why am i always the dumbest person in the room?
Why am i always the last person to laugh at a joke?
Why am i always the last person to understand a new concept?
Why am i always the last person to see a false flag?
If IQ scores distribution follows a bell-curve that peaks at 100, then why does everyone i know have an IQ over 100?
Eventually, it occured to me that these fake IQ scores are BULLSHIT,
And then i started to wonder why they would give people fake IQ scores,
And the answer that occured to me, was that they want to convince EVERYONE that they are smarter than average,
Because once you can convince EVERYONE that they are the smartest person in the room, then you can manipulate and control them easier, and prevent them from ever coming to any kind of consensus on anything,
Especially if you can feed different “smart” people contradictory versions of facts, and encourage them to argue about it.
We are now at the point now, where “highly intelligent women” struggle to even define “woman”, precisely because they are so smart, so educated, so woke…
When there is any disagreement, the knee-jerk reaction of the people who assume they are smart, is to assume the other person is stupid.
And thats by design.
for example, its a common belief in the trans-sexual/trans-gender community to assume that they are exceptionally smart, and anyone who doesn’t believe what they believe,
“just doesn’t get it”.
in other words, we are just too stupid to understand that people who were born male can become female, by willpower alone.
It will never occur to them that they are in fact stupid, and that males will never be females.
Its you thats stupid, not them.
Think back to the COVID-19 pandemic, and vaccines.
Didn’t a lot of the arguments boil down to “smart people trust science, and only stupid people question the science” ?
Facts didn’t matter. What mattered is what we thought about the IQ of the person presenting the facts.
If we like the facts, we assume the person presenting them must be smart like us.
If we don’t like the facts, then we assume the person presenting them must be stupid.
Anyway, think of 10 people you know.
Are you smarter than all 10 people?
Are all 10 people smarter than you?
Do these 10 people presumably have IQ scores that follow a bell-curve, meaning 5 people have an IQ less than 100?
You pose a great point. Smart is relative. I'm smarter in situations than others and dumber in many more. I think true smarts is the ability to learn from your errs and not make the same mistakes again. Also, analytics play a part, but that often doesn't come naturally as you may have to mess up really badly to apply what you've learned to analyze future scenarios. P.S. I am really dumb at anything mechanical-- like Patrick Star dumb.