335 Unvaccinated Single Women Say 'No' To Vaccinated Single Men (www.americanthinker.com) SO THERE'S A CHANCE? posted 2 years ago by pepperonishoes 2 years ago by pepperonishoes +336 / -1 Unvaccinated Single Women Say 'No' To Vaccinated Single Men Ask any single woman about the ease of dating in today’s world and they will most certainly roll their eyes and groan. As a single woman myself, I can vouch for how tough the dating climate is for every one of us. But unvaccinated, single women... 161 comments share 161 comments share save hide report block hide replies
You sound like someone that unfortunately went through all the bullshit. Have you heard of Terrence Popp? He does great work.
oh yes lol, i watched a lot of his content. he's funny. i like also alexander grace and human.