Just had a text debate with my friend from China. He is a super Anti-Trump guy.
Here is what I learned from the discussion.
I think Trumpism/MAGA has caused a wave of branding confusion with normies.
When I was texting back and forth with my friend. He is assuming that Trumpism = Giving the Mitch M types more power.
When I thought about this more. My mom thought the same thing.
When I told him that Trumpism is a form of "Libertarianism" that means localized government. Using the word Libertarianism is something he could understand.
I am not saying that MAGA is completely Libertarianism. I used something he could understand.
When I explained to him that MAGA fans want to get rid of the CDC, FDA, etc. He said this is interesting and I never thought about local politics before.
I think the problem we are facing with some normies. The whole country is use to federal elections as the super bowl of elections.
When I tell them to think more local power.
A lot of anti-Trump people tend to think about MAGA in a different way.
I think we need to add the words of
"Local Government" or "Decentralized Government" to the MAGA name.
This could help communicate our message better.
There is tons of confusion running under the Republican brand.
The old republican party is dead. A lot of normies don't know that because the see the R.
You make good points. In the normie world it’s Dems vs reps and that is when the wall comes up when they think you are a republican. I have modified my debate by positioning republican and democrats in the same bucket. what’s really happening is removing control from power-hungry criminals and returning it to the People.
If your normie friend can grasp that, it puts you and him on the same side. But it is a big leap for normies as it puts everything they have believed in for their entire lives, into question. People cannot imagine how big this problem really is.
Maybe it’s all a dream and power will never return to the people but I haven’t given up on the concept