I shared this with my family and advised them to stock up on some supplies. My sister said "please don't share this stuff with me, I don't care." She is the mother of three. My brother said "this is all the aftermath of that bastard President Donald Trump who ruined this country. He is the father of four.
My patience and understanding is wearing very thin with my family. My heart is racing. I know I should expect this but it bothers me so much. My brothers three young children ages 9-13 are jabbed. His oldest, 21, is strong in her faith and goes to a religious college where they were strongly advised against taking the jab.
The best thing is perhaps to prepare and put yourself in the best situation possible to ride out the coming storm... and then be there for others AFTER they wake up. Please don't make yourself nuts, or alienate yourself from your family, by getting frustrated that they don't awaken from the brainwashing. It's a LONG process for some, but it will happen.
They will need you afterwards. Keep yourself in good health and maintain your sanity for when that time comes.
I am trying very hard. I have a very large family and it is not me alienating from them it is them alienating from me. I can't financially go out and provide for everyone and none of them are faith based. It saddens me so much.
I have tried but she doesn't want to hear it. Despite what we know about the Catholic Religion there are good Priests out there and the schools and teachers she has encountered in her education throughout the Catholic school system has not steered her wrong. When the SHTF I think there will be strong support through her college and me of course.
I understand how you feel. You have to remember that we very recently had shortages due to the lock downs. I helped everyone I could since the shortages were "unexpected". But I can't help others during the next "crisis". I keep telling myself that they experienced "need" and yet they still do nothing to prepare to help themselves. Sadly, most of those we helped turned on us when they discovered that we are a "No mask. No vaxx. No fear." household. So they are making it easier to say "Can't help you" should they come knocking looking for a handout.
ETA: We truly don't have the ability to help others. Our stock that we shared took years to accumulate. Our supplies now are barely enough to sustain our household because we don't have the means to rebuild it.
I shared this with my family and advised them to stock up on some supplies. My sister said "please don't share this stuff with me, I don't care." She is the mother of three. My brother said "this is all the aftermath of that bastard President Donald Trump who ruined this country. He is the father of four.
My patience and understanding is wearing very thin with my family. My heart is racing. I know I should expect this but it bothers me so much. My brothers three young children ages 9-13 are jabbed. His oldest, 21, is strong in her faith and goes to a religious college where they were strongly advised against taking the jab.
You can't save everyone.
The best thing is perhaps to prepare and put yourself in the best situation possible to ride out the coming storm... and then be there for others AFTER they wake up. Please don't make yourself nuts, or alienate yourself from your family, by getting frustrated that they don't awaken from the brainwashing. It's a LONG process for some, but it will happen.
They will need you afterwards. Keep yourself in good health and maintain your sanity for when that time comes.
I am trying very hard. I have a very large family and it is not me alienating from them it is them alienating from me. I can't financially go out and provide for everyone and none of them are faith based. It saddens me so much.
Maybe his daughter can red pill him in some way.
My niece is strong in her faith but not red pilled per say. She will be hurt and upset when she finds out about "religion" and the Catholic Church.
I'm sorry to hear that, but at least she has convictions. Maybe you can start with her and get through to the rest.
I have tried but she doesn't want to hear it. Despite what we know about the Catholic Religion there are good Priests out there and the schools and teachers she has encountered in her education throughout the Catholic school system has not steered her wrong. When the SHTF I think there will be strong support through her college and me of course.
I understand how you feel. You have to remember that we very recently had shortages due to the lock downs. I helped everyone I could since the shortages were "unexpected". But I can't help others during the next "crisis". I keep telling myself that they experienced "need" and yet they still do nothing to prepare to help themselves. Sadly, most of those we helped turned on us when they discovered that we are a "No mask. No vaxx. No fear." household. So they are making it easier to say "Can't help you" should they come knocking looking for a handout.
ETA: We truly don't have the ability to help others. Our stock that we shared took years to accumulate. Our supplies now are barely enough to sustain our household because we don't have the means to rebuild it.
Darwinism...Sorry Bro.
Im experiencing the same with my family, I've finally had it. Sometimes you just have to accept that you can't save stupid.