They had AIDS and other problems, I'm guessing by "immune compromised and underlying health issues." Considering how many AIDS cases there are in NY I'm thinking only 2 deaths shows good care and the "stigmatizing" label is applied by race baiters. Any more known about the deceased?
Good idea. Rename "Monkeypox" so people won't feel so stigmatized.
I suggest "Bung-holio Disease".
Reddit Pox
Gas station sex is bad ooookaaaa.
They had AIDS and other problems, I'm guessing by "immune compromised and underlying health issues." Considering how many AIDS cases there are in NY I'm thinking only 2 deaths shows good care and the "stigmatizing" label is applied by race baiters. Any more known about the deceased?
Monkeypox → "MPV"
So, monkeybox...virus. Gotcha.