No, they know exactly what's going on. The perpetrator is waiting for the police not to show up. Once that happens they can launch their real attack. This is why they keep going back. They have to... If they don't respond and something were to happen to her they would be liable
Or maybe just give the leader of the SWAT team her number and he could give her a call while the guys are suiting up just to make sure it doesn't happen a SEVENTH time.
I’m not overly familiar with this event since I don’t live in the US but is it possible the police stop turning up and eventually the real motive happens and hurts MTG with nobody there to protect her. Boy who cried wolf sort of thing but boy never cried.
Amazing how the police keep showing up and don't realize what is going on.
Or they know exactly what they are doing.
Police are a reactionary force, this is exactly why everyone should be armed esp. when out in public.
No, they know exactly what's going on. The perpetrator is waiting for the police not to show up. Once that happens they can launch their real attack. This is why they keep going back. They have to... If they don't respond and something were to happen to her they would be liable
Or maybe just give the leader of the SWAT team her number and he could give her a call while the guys are suiting up just to make sure it doesn't happen a SEVENTH time.
Pick your battles better, brother. :)
They would call her to see if it is real.
She's on her own either way. It would take 30 minutes for a sqat team to show up.
I’m not overly familiar with this event since I don’t live in the US but is it possible the police stop turning up and eventually the real motive happens and hurts MTG with nobody there to protect her. Boy who cried wolf sort of thing but boy never cried.
Not responding would be just as bad because that sends the signal that they could attack if the cops won't show up.