**Artemisinin** = The WINNER of the 2015 NOBEL PRIZE FOR MEDICINE
Also known as **Artemisia Annua**, this plant cures drug-resistant Malaria, has efficacy against Cancer and now (according to Miles Guo) potentially COVID-19. I've been taking it since 2018 daily as a cancer prophylaxis.
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️

I'm glad you're doing so well. Truly. I had a very rare 'old person's cancer' in college and refused the top doc in the field's rec. They wanted me to be a case study. Said cut it out asap! My family thought I was insane at 20yo (not so much now) but I'm so thankful I had the intelligence at that age to understand radiation and chemo was poison. They did me dirty in the OR as retaliation for refusing but I recovered fully and have made it my mission, like you no doubt, to know more about my body than the indoctrinated doctors. Our regimens are very similar. And I also do not see any licensed healthcare professional regularly. Only trauma care at this point. No makeup or dyes either. It's what's best. It's what's right. Good luck and Godspeed.
Thank you. I wish you the best.
What did those quack ghouls do to you in the OR? And you also didn't have the tumor/s cut out?
You are wise beyond your years! Thank goodness you didn't do the burn & poison protocols.
What happened in OR?