Something big and ugly is brewing…
Trump, Kanye, etc. It’s leading people to stuff like this.
What happens when “white” people and “black” people get the idea that they’ve both been duped by a group of people who hates both races and has been playing both sides for generations?
Well how do you know they exist?
This dialogue on ATS convinced me back in 2008. I've read several since confirming it.
I read this a long time ago....I don't think these are the people that are in charge.
20 Conscious people could alter the world....and I am sure there are that many truly conscious people ....
There's an equal balance on both sides and at all times. Neither side is "in charge". They must be in balance to power this realm of duality - good/bad, up/down, left/right, male/female, etc.
If you eliminate the "bad side" then this false reality collapses back into the only true reality.
Would this world be powered by duality if we were all's the cabal that powers duality..either this or that when in fact the world itself just is.