Yah. Very lefty. But that's the Great Awakening effect, n'est ce pas?
I think we can expect to see more of this now, by which I mean, people formerly aligned on one side of the ideological football waking up and realizing, dang, I was wrong.
We need to be ready to welcome them when they come.
We don't need to agree on everything; in fact, often, there is value in the opposing or differing perspectives, that create balance and greater insight. However, evil infiltrates and then works to cause division, so that differing viewpoints begin to see each other as opponents, instead of sincerely working to learn from each other to reach a better, greater vision.
But when evil's ugly hand is removed, the truth reveals itself. It's not about us vs them. it's about evil coming for all of us.
On my team chat at work, where people are talk about "getting next booster, I'll be out for day" or "I got my booster, not feeling well" or "that's how you know it is working", etc. somebody piped up:
There is a process here. Firstly, the chick matures to the required level silently inside the egg. As the chick matures, the thickness of the shell actually decreases, making it weaker. All of this takes place without any observable changes in the chick/shell, as seen from the outside.
Finally, after the chick's beak is mature enough, it begins to tap tap at the shell, makes a small break, then a greater one. It begins to push against the shell, stretching its newly developed but immature and untested muscles, etc. The shell cracks open, the chick 'falls' out, and from there, it begins to live life outside the shell.
Up until that point, all the chick has ever known is itself and the shell that surrounds it. It knows nothing of the outside, except perhaps muffled sounds, muffled light, etc.
I believe that a similar process is happening all the time around us, at a huge variety of stages and conditions, in the people in our society. It may look like they are still asleep, but things are happening on the inside, things they themselves are not even aware of, really.
Yes, some are stagnant in their shells. But many, many others are maturing, being prepared to be ready to tap tap the shell around them, and when they make that first hole, the light begins to stream in. Wow! "There's a world out here!!!"
Until the chick emerges, it needs to be kept warm. This is the love that God and the folks in the spiritual realms constantly provide to people still growing in their 'shells'. We too, alive in the physical realms, can provide that warmth via love, essentially. In this analogy, truth is simply like the light that those in a shall can only perceive in a very muffled, indistinct way.
But the warmth is the key. Without the warmth, the 'chicks' cannot grow, cannot mature, cannot develop, and instead become stillborn, dying in their shell and never making it out.
Consider why the satanic cabal wants to isolate each person!
So, when you hear someone pipe up and say "my boosters were way worse than covid itself", just imagine that they are inside that shell, growing to become ready one day, and also that 'the shell' itself is getting thinner in anticipation of that day when the person will, by instinct, tap on the shell and get that first experience of direct light!!!
He's about as Hollywood liberal as they come, so... Wut happening?
Yah. Very lefty. But that's the Great Awakening effect, n'est ce pas?
I think we can expect to see more of this now, by which I mean, people formerly aligned on one side of the ideological football waking up and realizing, dang, I was wrong.
We need to be ready to welcome them when they come.
We don't need to agree on everything; in fact, often, there is value in the opposing or differing perspectives, that create balance and greater insight. However, evil infiltrates and then works to cause division, so that differing viewpoints begin to see each other as opponents, instead of sincerely working to learn from each other to reach a better, greater vision.
But when evil's ugly hand is removed, the truth reveals itself. It's not about us vs them. it's about evil coming for all of us.
On my team chat at work, where people are talk about "getting next booster, I'll be out for day" or "I got my booster, not feeling well" or "that's how you know it is working", etc. somebody piped up:
Think about how a baby chick emerges from its egg.
There is a process here. Firstly, the chick matures to the required level silently inside the egg. As the chick matures, the thickness of the shell actually decreases, making it weaker. All of this takes place without any observable changes in the chick/shell, as seen from the outside.
Finally, after the chick's beak is mature enough, it begins to tap tap at the shell, makes a small break, then a greater one. It begins to push against the shell, stretching its newly developed but immature and untested muscles, etc. The shell cracks open, the chick 'falls' out, and from there, it begins to live life outside the shell.
Up until that point, all the chick has ever known is itself and the shell that surrounds it. It knows nothing of the outside, except perhaps muffled sounds, muffled light, etc.
I believe that a similar process is happening all the time around us, at a huge variety of stages and conditions, in the people in our society. It may look like they are still asleep, but things are happening on the inside, things they themselves are not even aware of, really.
Yes, some are stagnant in their shells. But many, many others are maturing, being prepared to be ready to tap tap the shell around them, and when they make that first hole, the light begins to stream in. Wow! "There's a world out here!!!"
Until the chick emerges, it needs to be kept warm. This is the love that God and the folks in the spiritual realms constantly provide to people still growing in their 'shells'. We too, alive in the physical realms, can provide that warmth via love, essentially. In this analogy, truth is simply like the light that those in a shall can only perceive in a very muffled, indistinct way.
But the warmth is the key. Without the warmth, the 'chicks' cannot grow, cannot mature, cannot develop, and instead become stillborn, dying in their shell and never making it out.
Consider why the satanic cabal wants to isolate each person!
So, when you hear someone pipe up and say "my boosters were way worse than covid itself", just imagine that they are inside that shell, growing to become ready one day, and also that 'the shell' itself is getting thinner in anticipation of that day when the person will, by instinct, tap on the shell and get that first experience of direct light!!!