I imagine they have the right to refuse service based on whatever criteria they want to put in.
Of course I have the right to not use them and share my experience on the internet, right?
Vanderbilt Eye Care in Nashville. Yep, the same Vanderbilt medical group caught on tape bragging about how much money they make from gender reassignment surgeries on children.
Not another penny. Ever.
It's not necessarily the Dr.'s. Apparently all the insurance companies are requiring the Dr's Office to require masks.
It is ALL the doctors, nurses and hospital administrators!! They didn't say no to whoever (Big Pharma, Insurance, Government, etc) - they went along with the evil plot so they need to be prosecuted. If you want to prosecute the insurance companies OK but the doctors and nurses need to be brought to heel for their complicity with something they KNEW to be a violation of their oath.