Has there been any kind of research done, to date, on where the most deaths have occurred per Covid and per vaccine by state? I’d love to see if there any correlation to vaccines and red states. I wouldn’t even know where to begin to believe I could obtain any accurate data.
Yes somewhat, at least in the USA. Go and look for "How bad was my batch" and it seems there is some correlation to believe red states were worse hit by the adverse reactions.
Yes, indeed, there has been definitive research on just these things. All batches of all brands of vax have been recorded and analyzed as to where each batch number was sent and how many injuries/deaths have resulted from each batch.
This research is exhaustive. It is open source but I don't have a link to it.
Has there been any kind of research done, to date, on where the most deaths have occurred per Covid and per vaccine by state? I’d love to see if there any correlation to vaccines and red states. I wouldn’t even know where to begin to believe I could obtain any accurate data.
Yes somewhat, at least in the USA. Go and look for "How bad was my batch" and it seems there is some correlation to believe red states were worse hit by the adverse reactions.
Yes, indeed, there has been definitive research on just these things. All batches of all brands of vax have been recorded and analyzed as to where each batch number was sent and how many injuries/deaths have resulted from each batch.
This research is exhaustive. It is open source but I don't have a link to it.