Let's see who draws the biggest crowd 😁 - Keystone State Showdown: Trump and Obama (with Biden) to Hold Dueling Rallies in Pennsylvania Saturday
I am surprised that they would dare to hold a rally with President Trump in the same state on the same weekend. Must be getting desperate (and looking forward to their humiliating turnout)!
Patriots in control. This is the home of liberty and SO corrupt.
If Trump dwarfs Obama and PA stays blue the PA people will see with their own pupils and what happens next, happens next...
Philly has been known to be rough.
Rofl...Trump Rally in airport tarmac and the DNC won't even say where their rally is....
Already Recorded Before A Paid Studio Audience.
"The visit, announced by the Democratic National Committee on Monday, coincides with former President Donald Trump’s previously announced rally for Republican candidates at the Arnold Palmer Regional Airport in Latrobe in Western Pennsylvania.
The DNC didn’t announce any specifics on Biden and Obama’s visit beyond it being in Philadelphia"
I hear they are paying $150 per to show and attend.
Luckily, many antifa thugs went back home to Ukraine and got their asses shot off or else they would of been there
No contest here. Trump for the win!
Trump should hold his rally in Philadelphia. He has tremendous support there and the tri-state area Although it could spark a war