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Many Christians do not celebrate it at all. But alas, the path to heaven is narrow, but the path to hell is broad, and worn.
There is no hell..a made up concept to frighten people with only the church who can save you from this mythical hell with its mythical devil roasting you in a fire your spirit body wouldn't fell and could fly away from....
It didn't make it into the Bible until the 1800s....when the church wanted more money...more power...more control...
Fear is the ultimate control.
Nuclear war Deadly viruses in the air you breathe Contaminated water Starvation through over populated earth Asteriods wiping us out Pole shifts Sun burning out Planets bumping into us Carbon dioxide Droughts Plagues Floods Tsunamis War
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When you are in a state of fear you cannot use critical thinking and Marshall yourself and others to fight . People scream .... ripe for a saviour to be produced to save us all.....classis cabal tactics.
Who is this year's saviour?
You are gravely mistaking, read only the KJV. It was only translated once.and it's been around a long long time.
You should do some research before you comment!
Tucking name Bible was authorized by king James..one of the satanic bloodlines...do you really think they will tell you truth?
Kjb has thousands of errors and mistranslations...
Someone is lying to you.
Anytime someone says the bible is full of flaws , is a big red flag! Seek and you will find. Seek flaw and that's what you will find. You have been mislead, I am a literal christian. I only believe what I read in scripture, not what preachers say or interpit. There are many falsehoods out there. Read KJV . And pray for understanding. BTW can you point out a flaw for me?
Hell is the absence of The Lord.
As I say hell doesn't exist..there is nothing on earth or heavens worlds galaxies universes etc that has not been permeated by the supreme creator of all.
It is indeed.